Pictures Of You

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After a long wait, I'm here to drop off this crappy chapter. I'm so sorry. ;-;

When the news of the death of the princess spread through the land of ooo, it didn't take long before a certain vampire heard. And it destroyed her. She couldn't believe someone she once loved so much, no, STILL loved so much could just disappear from her life. Even though they had broken up long ago, she still loved the princess dearly. One day didn't go by where Marceline didn't think of Bonnie. And now she would never see her again. She last saw her 3 years ago when they had a fight. Damn her pride! She could've been with her. The worst part was how she died. The thing she loved the most, aside from Marceline of course, was what killed her. Science. While doing an experiment she miscalculated and that small miscalculation caused the lab to explode, taking her life. Marceline spent weeks in isolation, trying to cope with the idea of not being able to see her. Letters came but were all ignored until a certain letter from the candy kingdom showed up. She lifted it wish shaking fingers and opened it.

"Now that the mourning period is over for our former princess, we will be showing her video will. Everyone from the candy kingdom and surroundings is required to come as of orders of the video. It will be held tomorrow at 5 pm.

-Peppermint Butler"

Marceline just looked at the letter and nodded slowly. She took in a shaky breath and looked herself in the mirror in her hallway, knowing she had to clean herself up before arriving at the candy kingdom because she would have to travel tonight so she wouldn't get burned trying to travel during the day. She floated over to her bathroom where she took a long shower, she dressed in her black outfit and waited until the sun had set. Once the last ray of light was hidden, she began to make her way to the kingdom. Once she arrived, she landed on her feet and knocked on the front door. The door was pried open and Marceline felt a small tinge of hope that it would be the princess, but it was short lived when a small peppermint waved her in.

"Welcome Marceline." He said softly, moving aside so she could enter. Marceline floated in and almost immediately the smell of the late princess enveloped her. She felt tears brimming in her eyes as she softly nodded at the mint. He started walking off in a direction that was familiar so she followed. "There's a note in her door." The mint stated. "And I recognize your secret language when I see it." Marceline blushed slightly. When they arrived at the room Marceline saw a note in the neat writing if the princess.


Dra gao ec eh dra bmyla frana fa vencd sac. E cdemm mujat oui, hajan tuipd dryd so xiaah.

Ouin Bnehlacc,


The key is in the place where we first met. I still loved you, never doubt that my queen.

Your Princess,
Marceline nodded softly and off she flew. Exactly like the note said, to the place they had met. When she arrived at that small clearing, she saw the shimmering of the key under the rock they sat on the first time they talked. She picked it up and headed back. She opened the door and stepped in. She fell to her knees as she looked around the room. Pictures of them together hung everywhere. Band posters to concerts they had gone to together also pinned up. What caught her eye was a black bulge of fabric on the princesses completely pink bed. She stood and stumbled to it, grabbing a hold of everything she could so she wouldn't fall. She lifted up the shirt, a sob finally making its way out as she realized it was the shirt she had given her long ago. She brought it to her nose, smelling their smell intertwined in the fabrics. The same smell she would get every time they finished making love. The same smell she got in the mornings after the princess had woken up to make breakfast. Marceline clutched the fabric tightly as she lay in the bed, sobbing the night away.

The next morning, the vampire stood from the bed, walking over to the window, her eyes red, her skin a deep purple around her eyes and pale everywhere else. She looked around one last time, noticing a picture of both of them smiling. Her arms around the pink girls waist while her chin rested on her shoulder. The pink arms extended outwards holding the camera. She picked up the picture and gave it a kiss. She set it down once more, grabbing the curtains and throwing them open. An agonizing scream filled the kingdom but by the time the door was forcefully opened, the vampire had already disappeared into dust. Something red lay on the bed and the peppermint went to examine it. On it lay the shirt and an ax bass, along with a note.

"Ev E lyhd pa fedr ran, E tuh'd fyhd du meja.


The banana guards looked over at the peppermint confused as he read it out perfectly in the foreign language. He sighed softly and translated.

"If I can't be with her, I don't want to live.


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