twenty one

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Maeve sat on Polly's couch, drawing in a notebook. Polly was humming a song, sewing a button back onto one of Michael's shirts.

"Maeve, darling, are you alright? You've been cross with Michael for weeks," Polly said softly. "I know he's my son, but I see you as a daughter as well. You can talk to me, dear."

Maeve suddenly choked up and let out a muffled sob as she covered her mouth. Polly put her needle down and quickly ran to her side.

"What's going on, darling?" Polly said soothingly as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Michael...I was doing his laundry one day and he... I found a pair of underwear in his clothes. They weren't mine. Michael and I haven't slept together so that means he's lost his virginity to someone else. He cheated!"

Polly's face dropped and a fury ran through her bones. "I swear to you I will get to the bottom of this. No son of mine will cheat on his wife."

The door knob jiggled and the women could hear someone fumbling with keys. In Michael came with a box and a bouquet of flowers.

"I...erm. I was gonna pick some flowers but Small Heath doesn't have very nice I called Mr. Solomon's and had him bring the nicest ones. And he told me to tell you to let me out the dog house because no Shelby man can stand having his dignity damaged or somethin' like that. But, Maeve, I don't know what you're on about-"

Polly stood up and crossed her arms, glaring at her son. "No fucking flowers will fix this. You answer me now, did you cheat on her?"

Michael rolled his eyes. "No! I didn't cheat, mum. For fucks sake that's what I'm trying to explain!"

Polly sighed. "So how did a girls underwear end up in your laundry, eh?"

Michael flopped his arms much like a child having a tantrum. "I don't know! I really don't know. What underwear?"

Maeve grumbled to herself and began walking up the stairs, with Polly and Michael following her. They watched as Maeve opened a drawer and pulled out black panties and garters. Michael look surprised but Polly looks horrified.

"Erm...Maeve dear," Polly whispered as she took the undergarments. "Those are mine."

Maeve took a step back in surprise and looked at Michael who was gagging.

"Mum, why the fuck do you have those!" Michael looked away at the wall.

Maeve stuttered out sounds as Polly put her finger up. "You and Michael need to talk. And Michael, a woman has needs."

"Mum!" Michael cried out. Maeve giggled a little as Polly closed the door behind her.

"Those aren't yours?" Maeve squeaked out through tearful eyes. Michael's face softened and he extended the flowers once more.

"No, my love. They aren't mine."

Maeve let out a cry and ran into his arms. "I thought you didn't love me anymore."

Michael wrapped his arms around her as best as he could and put the flowers on the bed. "Maeve, you're my everything. I love you so much, I was just too stubborn to ask what was wrong. I promise next time we're upset with each other we'll talk, not ignore each other. I love you."

Maeve pulled back and gave him a kiss. "I love you too. I'm sorry I should have asked before I reacted. I had done with someone else."

Michael smiled and rubbed her cheek with his hand. "My love, I only want you."

Maeve, overjoyed by finding out he was faithful, was overcome with an unfamiliar emotion. "How bad do you want me right now?"

Michael let out a nervous chuckle. "What do you mean?"

Maeve giggled and pulled his collar to kiss him. "I say we have our honeymoon right now."

Michael's eyes shot open. "Are you jokin'?" 

Maeve pulled him close. "No...I want to, Michael." 

Michael, like a giddy teenage boy, picked her up and placed her onto to the bed. "Really? I mean...really, really?" 

Maeve nodded eagerly, smiling at her husband. 

Michael pulled his shirt off and then beamed, giddy for what was about to happen. Maeve did the same, cowering away from Michael's gaze as she covered her naked body. 

Michael chuckled at her. "I love you. Don't be shy." 

Maeve smiled at him. "I love you too, Michael. Get on with it."

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