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"You burned down a fucking Gypsy camp!" Maeve screamed. Michael looked up at his cousin who was staring into his soul. Michael smacked his lips and looked back down. 

"Maevey, they kidnapped our cousin. They also killed 5 Blinders. They started the war." 

"There were woman and children in that camp!" Maeve yelled. 

"We didn't mean for the camp to burn down, Maeve. We only lit Duke's caravan on fire, but some of the gasoline must have spilled from the tub we used and made it larger than it was." 

Maeve angrily threw a log at him. "You idiots started a bloody fire in a forest. What did you think would happen?" 

"Oh God..." Michael whispered. "...Malina and Patrick..." 

Michael looked up at Tommy and for the first time since he had met him, was disgusted with his cousin. Tommy looked at his face and knew it. 

"You killed a widowed mother and her child!" Maeve cried out. 

"Nevertheless it was done. We have to leave now, before it gets dark. Eat up and deal with it." 

* * * 

Maeve and Michael rode their horses further behind the rest of the group in silence. Both were angry with them for their actions, but knew better than to continue to question Tommy. 

"By the way, as soon as we get back you're getting married!" John called back. "Polly's orders." 

"Mum knows we're alright?" Michael asked. 

"No...but to keep herself sane she was nesting or something. She was driving herself crazy trying to plan the best Gypsy wedding, talking about how she's only getting to plan one wedding in her life." 

Michael snorted and smiled at Maeve. "It will be the best wedding." 

* * *

Finally, the group had been traveling back into a city. Tommy spoke with the conductor and arranged for the group and their horses to catch the last train back to Birmingham. 

"Is it weird I actually miss Small Heath?" Maeve asked Michael as she leaned on his shoulder. 

"I miss it too. The smell of piss, factory smoke, and cigarettes its comforting." 

The pair laughed. 

"Maeve?" Michael said quietly.


"Um...I know this is awkward and all to say but...well I just wanted to say before we get married and all-" Michael rambled. 

"Spit it out, Gray." 

"I've never really been with a girl. I mean like...I've snogged girls before but never...never further. I don't want to disappoint you after the wedding."

Maeve stifled a giggle, and then sat up to look at him. "Michael, before today I've never even kissed a boy." 

Michael's eyes widened. "Oh...just...nevermind." 

"Shut up, Mickey," she laughed, placing a kiss on his cheek. She leaned back down on his shoulder and took his hand in hers. "Can I ask something? What were the bad things...that happened in the orphanage? Beatings?" 

Michael's body tensed, and Maeve soothingly stroked his hand in hers. "A Priest there took a...special liking to me. Specifically alone in his office." 

Maeve immediately understood. "I understand. I'm sorry that happened to you, Michael. Is that why..." her voice trailed off. 

"That's why I've never been with a girl like that..." Michael finished her sentence.

"We don't have to after the wedding, Michael. We can go slow, arranged marriage and all." 

Michael faked being offended. "Now hold on, I never said I didn't want to." 

Maeve sat up again and stared at him. "Michael Gray, are you saying you've been wanting to do dirty things to me," she teased him. 

His faced flushed. "No! That's not what I meant...shut up." 

"No, I think you meant while we were covered in mud and bugs in a Gypsy camp you were thinking about me alone in the caravan," Maeve continued to tease him. Michael squirmed uncomfortably.

"Wha- Ew- shut up Maeve." 

Maeve continued to tease him, tickling his sides. 

Tommy stared from a distance and although he couldn't hear their conversation, he had to admit to himself it was cute. 

ashes - michael grayWhere stories live. Discover now