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Michael rode back south with no sense of direction. It drew closer to night and he had nothing to survive off of. He had no survival skills and had spent most of his life at the Johnson's where maids served him and in Small Heath where everyone served him. He had nothing. 

Warm tears fell down his cheeks. Maeve had been all he had for 3 months and the most talking they had done was conversed through screaming matches over who left their socks on the floor or who hogged the most of their bed. Maeve was all he had. 

Michael would never admit it, but he truly been scared of abandonment. Not that Polly had abandoned him, but he spent most of his life thinking he had been taken away because she didn't love him. His time in the care of the Holy Fathers was a hell in itself. He felt alone often because the others didn't associate with him due to the favor Father Hughes showed him. In all honestly, he was terrified of being alone. Now here Michael was, alone with only a horse in a forest. 

Michael was startled when he heard voices. He saw smoke of a fireplace. 

Well fuck. Stay with Dusty the horse or hope and pray these strangers let him sleep next to the fire. Michael thought to himself. 

He urged Dusty towards the voices. As he neared closer, his heart jolted. Arthur's boisterous laughter could be recognized anywhere. He made Dusty gallop faster to the fire. 

"Michael!" Johnny Lee exclaimed, while the Shelby boys pointed their guns startled at the boy and his horse. Michael ignored them and threw himself off of his horse. 

Maeve laid asleep at the foot of the fire. 

"Michael?" Tommy questioned. Michael sobbed and scooped Maeve off of the ground in his arms. 

"Michael, what the fuck!" Maeve exclaimed in surprise. "Wha-Where were you?" 

"I thought you-I thought- I thought" Michael sputtered, sobbing and squeezing her body closer to her, as if she were going to disappear. He couldn't believe she was there. Heartbreaking noises came from his throat as his heart slowly was put together inside his chest as he held her.

"Michael? Calm down," Maeve said worriedly. She looked up at the Shelby brothers who stared confused at Michael. They had never seen Michael in this state, let alone cry. Michael was trembling in her arms. 

"I went to...the lake...and the camp...was on fire.. and I thought...you died...." Michael sobbed out.

"I'm alright, Michael. I'm alright. Shh." Maeve stroked his hair slowly and rocked him back and forth. 

* * * 

Michael fell asleep with his head on Maeve's lap as she continued to rub circles on his back. 

"I've never seen Michael like that," John said, breaking the silence. Arthur grunted in agreement. 

"So you two grew close then?" Tommy asked. Maeve looked at the sleeping boy on her lap and laughed to herself. 

"No actually. We've been fighting like cats and dogs for three months. I don't know why he got so scared that I died if we haven't had a nice word shared between us in three months." 

"Deep down he has to be scared to lose you then," Arthur suggested. Maeve stroked his hair slowly.

"I was scared we weren't going to find him," Maeve whispered. 

"Let's get some rest. Polly needs to know her son is okay," Tommy said. He stared at the kids and smiled. Although he rarely showed emotion he was glad that he finally had them back home. He had spent days on end trying to find them and bring them back home safely, and was falling apart thinking the worst. 

* * * 

Maeve's eyes fluttered open as she laid on the small cot that was laid out for her. She looked around and didn't see the Shelby brothers or Johnny Dogs. She heard the rhythmic sound of wood being chopped and turned around to see Michael. 

She smiled and walked over to him. 

"Michael," she sang out. Michael turned around to look at her, then quickly looked away. 

Maeve's smile dropped and she crossed her arms. "Good morning, Michael." 

"Mornin'" he grunted out, before splitting another log. 

"Do you...wanna talk about yesterday?" Maeve asked. 

"I accidentally ate a poisonous mushroom or something and was freaking out. It was nothing," Michael said. Maeve raised her eyebrow and stared at him. Sighing, she walked into his line of vision. Michael huffed out in annoyance and went to place another log to cut. 

"Michael...it's okay to have emotions. Why were you so scared?" 

"I thought you were dead. That's it. Leave it alone," Michael said sharply. 


"Leave me alone!" Michael screamed in her face. Maeve jumped and for the first time in years, for some reason she felt her eyes start to sting. Maeve could punch herself in the face for feeling like this and had no idea why she would even feel like crying, but nevertheless the tears came. 

Michael's face immediately softened and filled with regret. 

"Maeve..." he said softly, trying to reach out and grab her. 

Maeve pulled away and sniffled as she walked back to the fireplace. She wanted to die in a hole as soon as she saw the Shelby brothers awkwardly standing there with a freshly caught deer. 

"You...erm...okay?" Arthur said. 

"I'm-" Maeve croaked out, before suddenly bursting into tears. What the fuck am I doing? Maeve thought to herself. 

Arthur looked at John who looked at Tommy who looked up at the sky. 

"Come 'ere," Tommy sighed in annoyance as he awkwardly hugged the girl. Tommy patted her back stiffly as he looked to his brothers for help. John and Arthur began to laugh at the scene of their brother being so soft. 

"Fuck off!" Maeve screamed, muffled into Tommy's chest. 

The laughing stopped as John and Arthur shuffled away quickly from the emotional teenage girl. 

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