MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 16

Começar do início

"Next item of business is the upcoming holidays. We are going to be catering both the Thanksgiving and Christmast dinners. Our wives should not have to be stuck in the kitchen all day cooking for you guys, especially since there are children in the house now. They have said they will be making treats for everyone and I shouldn't have to remind all of you that what they make is for everyone. Don't make pigs out of yourselves when it comes to one item." I said looking at Boomer, who always pigs out on Marley's brownies.

"Also, the ladies are going to decorate the house for both occasions, as always. They do this for all of us so no running away or making excuses in helping out." I said, looking around the entire room. "Also per all the wives request, we will be shutting the bar at midnight. They do not want us all stumbling around still drunk or hung over the next morning because the kids will be downstairs getting their gifts.

Dixie also told me to remind you to make sure you turn in your presents for gift wrapping at least two days before or it's up to you to get them wrapped on your own. The ladies are doing this as a courtesy to you guys, so don't wait until the last minute.

Unless anyone has something we need to discuss here, church is dismissed." I said and picked up my gavel. No one said anything so I banged it on the block on the table and everyone but the executive members stood up to leave.

As soon as the room was clear and the door closed behind the last member, I addressed them. "Well, we went over most of what I needed to talk to you about in church but I need updates on where the prospects stand in their training and recommendations on what their roles will be within our club.

Eagle you mentioned to me the other day that Nate is becoming good with guns and that he knows how to move quietly. What about his tracking skills?" I questioned, pulling a legal pad close to me and writing down Nate's name.

"I think with a little more training, he could be called a sniper. He's fast on the draw with a handgun from either his hip or a shoulder holster but his aim needs some more work."

"Hunter, how's he doing on tracking and finding?" I asked.

"He can move quietly when he focuses on what he's doing. He can pick up obvious tracks but still needs to work on finding more hidden signs. He's getting pretty damned good at setting traps too. Almost put me in the air the other day. I'm going to work on that with him this week." Hunter said.

"What about the others?" I asked. Being able to handle a weapon was very important but it was also important to be able to find the target and to take them out when a gun couldn't be used.

"Juan is a badass with knives, especially throwing them. Willy is another one that is good but his skills are more close quarter fighting. Steven isn't bad either but they need more practice. Jailer should work with them more closely. He's about the best we have with knives." Boomer said.

"We need to work out group training sessions as well as individual sessions with each. Some of our other members need to step up and start taking more responsibility in the training too. They need to keep their skills sharp as well as passing on their knowledge to younger members.

We need to have designated teams that can work together and be compatible with each other to cover all the bases. I need the executive staff to assume roles more focused on being supervisors and graders. You oversee the members who are doing the training and then grade the prospects on their skill levels. We all know that skills can degrade if not used often enough. And while being an expert in any given field is great, we all need to cross train and to learn how to pick up and carry on when a member is down.

Thankfully, we have not lost a patched brother since we lost Ox and while that was a big loss to not only us personally who grew up with him, but it was a great loss to the club in general. Thankfully, Hulk was already a member and has filled his shoes in training our members on strength and fighting on a heavy weight level.

Monster Slayer's MC Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora