MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-Annalisa & Nessa say YES!

All of the brothers were happy for us. Mr. Willard called us two days after we had looked at the house and we met him at the bank and signed the contract that same day. The 60K took a huge chunk out of my savings account but the smile on Annalisa's face was worth every penny of it.

Many of my club brothers volunteered to help us get Mr. Willard moved out the next day. He was amazed at how well we packed everything up and had him ready to go to Florida so quickly. He drove away in his old pick up truck, which we tuned up for him before he left and he was on his way with a big smile on his face.

The brothers came and helped us get the roof replaced, we gutted and redid the main bathroom and the kitchen. Opening up the walls of those rooms made us realize that we had to put in insulation to the entire house or our utility bills were going to be through the roof, so we bit the bullet, pulled down all of the drywall and put in good quality insulation on all of the walls.

Since we had all the drywall down, we decided to upgrade the wiring as well and when our electrician came in, he said it was a good thing we were doing this now because he said that some of the old wiring was about to give out and we could have had a fire. It gave us both great peace of mind to know that now the house would be safe from that danger. Doing it also saved us a bundle on our homeowners insurance.

Annalisa spent a lot of time at the hardware store picking out paint samples, new plumbing and light fixtures and she got online and found the appliances at Home Depot that she wanted, which ended up meaning adding gas service to the house but it was going to be so worth it in the long run. We drove down to Dallas one day and picked them up and a month later, we were ready to move in.

But the night before that happened, Hulk and I took our old ladies out to dinner. We told them to celebrate that tomorrow we would be able to move into our new place. We got all dressed up and sure enough, as soon as the waiter took our food order, the ladies said they were going to go wash their hands.

Hulk and I grinned at each other and as soon as they were out of sight, we placed our little boxes containing their rings next to their drink glasses where they couldn't miss seeing them as soon as they sat down.

When they came back, Hulk and I stood up and helped them with their chairs and then bent down on one knee. We had flipped a coin earlier and it was agreed that I would go first so I said "Annalisa, the very first minute I saw you, I knew you were the one for me and I love both you and Carmella with my whole heart. You are my world now. Will you please marry me?" I said and pointed at the little box. She picked it up and opened it and I saw tears in her eyes and she nearly knocked me over as she screamed "YES!".

Then Hulk said to Nessa "I can't really improve on what Eagle just said because I also knew the moment I saw you that we belong together. I love you, Nessa! Will you marry me?" And pointed to her box. Nessa picked it up and without even looking at the ring, she knocked Hulk flat on his back as she launched herself at him. Many of the people in the restaurant had been watching the whole thing and everyone began to clap and call out congratulations to both of us.

All four of us had huge smiles on our faces all through dinner, even if we didn't taste a thing we ate. We talked and both women agreed that they wanted to do a double wedding. There was no reason to go through double the expense or have to wait for one to be over before the other could be done. Hulk and I didn't really care. We would have been happy with a simple ceremony in front of a judge or something but both women stood strong.

"No way. I'm only going to do this once in my life and I want a pretty gown and flowers and music." Nessa said, being the more outspoken one of the two women but Annalisa nodded in agreement with her.

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