MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Eagle & Hulk order engagement rings

Eagle's POV

When Annalisa told me not to stay too long downstairs, I almost jumped out of my seat to follow her down the hall. My little man definitely jumped to attention! My attention was definitely on her ass as the two women walked away and for a while after they had left.

Apparently, Hunter had been speaking to me for a couple of minutes but my mind was on Annalisa so I didn't hear him until he punched me in the arm and said "If you don't lay claim to her soon, someone else is going too!"

My head snapped towards him. "What did you say?" I asked, angrily, my hands already clenching into fists, ready to take on the world.

"Hahahaha! Thought that would get your attention. I said, If you don't lay claim to her soon, someone else is going too! And I mean it. You know the procedure and you know the rules of this club. Just because you brought her here and spent all kinds of money on her and her kid, does not mean you have claimed her as yours and yours alone." Hunter said, taking care to look me directly in the eye.

"Has someone said something about being interested in her?" I asked, unable to believe that any of my brothers would even try to take my woman from me.

"Eagle, you have been my friend for a long time and I will never betray a brother but while no one has said anything to me directly, our brothers have eyes and everyone here can see that Annalisa is a very beautiful woman. I'm just saying, make the claim and soon or shut up and step back if someone else tries to step up and make her his own. We have grown so much over the past few years and there are just not enough single women in town to go around anymore. A lot of the men are happy with just being with the sweet butts but some of them are getting to the stage in their lives when they want what we have. What's holding you back? Is it the kid?" He asked.

"I was planning on asking her to let me make it public but I don't want to rush her. She was kind of upset when she walked in here and the first thing she saw was this room. And Carmella is a great kid and I'm beginning to care for her as much as I do for Annalisa but again, I don't want to rush them.

I told her about the PTSD and my medication and while it made her nervous, she seemed to take it okay but then she hasn't seen it first hand yet and having it happen has me terrified that I might have an episode and hurt her or Carmella. I would never be able to forgive myself if I did." I tried to explain to him.

"All I'm saying is you have finally found your woman! Don't fuck up, dude. Ask her to be your woman and make your claim public and soon." Hunter said.

I knew he was right and after I swallowed the last of my beer, I told him thanks and goodnight and walked over to Rooster and he looked up at me.

"Order her cut?" He asked before I had a chance to say a word.

I smiled, nodded and told him "Thanks, Prez. How long will it take to get here?"

"Dude, I saw this one coming as soon as they got here. It should be here tomorrow or the next day,"Rooster said. "Hulk's too."

My heart felt so full that I was taking this step and I knew I was making the right decision. Before I walked away from the table, I asked. "You got anything you want from the city tomorrow? I need to go ring shopping but don't have a clue what to get. Any ideas?"

Dixie said "Leave it to me." She pushed up off of Rooster's lap, kissed him and said "Give me an hour and I'll be back with not only her preference but her ring size."

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