MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - Little Scotty

The next day, we drove up to the club and while Annalisa and the other women separated the wedding presents, I went to talk to Rooster. Unfortunately, I didn't like what he had to say.

"We've got a rescue call. This one from Mona at the state child protective services. They tried to go in and get the 4 year old little boy that a neighbor said was being abused by the father. When Mona and the cops showed up to do a welfare check, the man pulled a gun and threatened to shoot anyone who came on the porch and held the child in front of him so the law backed off.

From the reports of the neighbor, she has seen the little boy covered in bruises and he looks like he's not being fed properly. She reported that she has seen the child locked out of the house at night and now is worried because she hasn't seen him for a couple of days. The neighbor said the so-called father hangs out at a local bar not far from the home and will leave the boy unattended for hours and sometimes overnight.

I want you and Boomer to go and hopefully take Kaylee with you because she is a nurse. The child may need medical attention so Doc is going to follow you in his van but if the child is man shy, hopefully Kaylee can secure him without getting him too upset. Boomer is talking to Kaylee about it right now." Rooster said.

"Where is the child's mother?" I asked.

"Drug overdose last year. Mona said she's already checked and as far as she can find there's no other next of kin so take him straight to the farm. I'll call Papa Joe and let him know we'll be bringing him in as soon as we have him, if he's still alive. Mona said she's really worried about his safety and wellbeing. According to her the child looks seriously malnourished.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Coilney. I've already talked to Carl MacIntosh and he's going to call the Sheriff down there to make sure they don't interfere with you. He's going to call me back as soon as he's spoken to him." Rooster said and then his phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered. He listened for a minute and then said "Tell him, we'll take care of it." He hung up and ran his hand over his face. "Man, I hate this shit sometimes."

"That was Carl. The sheriff in Coilney said we would be doing them a big favor if we rid their community of this piece of scum. Apparently he's been thorn in their side for a long time. Bar fights, stealing, drugs, etc. They want him gone and will act like he just packed up and left. Apparently his landlord will be happy to see him gone as well as he owes him 9 months of unpaid rent."

Just then a knock came at the door and Rooster called "Come in." The door opened and Boomer and Kaylee came inside.

"We're ready to roll whenever you are." Boomer said. "Doc will be ready to go in 10."

"Just let me talk to Annalisa and get my gun then I'll be ready to go." I said. I left the room and walked over to where Annalisa was sitting. "I need to talk to you for a second, please."

I explained the situation to her and while she was upset, it was because a child was being abused and she did not try to hold me back. I kissed her and then ran upstairs to retrieve my guns. I put on my shoulder holster and secured my hand gun, then something was telling me to take Betsy. I grabbed the sheath that would hold her to my bike and then put her inside. I made sure I had ammo and then walked down the hall.

I kissed my wife and daughter and told her we'd be back as soon as possible but asked her to stay here tonight if I wasn't back before dinner time. "I just feel better if you are somewhere I know there are people to protect you when I have to be gone for very long. We're going to take the child either to the hospital or directly to the farm. If he goes to the hospital, we stay with him until he's ready to be moved unless it's more than a day."

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