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"I swear to Godric, if I don't get moved in Potions or DADA, someone will be losing an eye." Cassiopeia sighed as she and Andie sat in their dormitory.

It was one of those days where Mini was off with her Ravenclaw friends, so the redhead and the blonde had their second Saturday morning at Hogwarts to themselves. Both could let down their hair and be scathing about their peers without fearing any sort of repercussions.

"Just your luck to be with Weasley Dumb in both lessons... and just mine to be stuck with both Jordan and Weasley Dumber, I suppose." Andie sighed, checking her cuticles as the two laid in her bed.

"Well, quite. I swear, all the Professors must have something against us. What have I ever done to deserve hours of my education being accompanied by Fred Wesley? Have they confused me with Cassius?" Cass responded, and Andie chortled at the reference to Mini's twin brother; a boy who, like his sister, was widely known for being intimidating and bigoted.

Only Cassius was more upfront with his beliefs, and Mini was stereotyped as mean due to her interest in sports and resting bitch face. She was still prejudiced, but was slightly less upfront about her beliefs.

"He's a bloody nightmare, honestly. With all of his 'why are the mudbloods here' crap, he sounds so thick. Like, have some subtlety. Can you imagine if we walked around, saying what we think?" Andie ranted.

"Well, we'd either be feared or hated."

"We're feared in the best way possible, Cass, we're revered. Intimidating because we're pretty and friendly, not because we spout the stuff that we believe."

Cass smiled at that, she and Andie really were two idolised figures in their year, and she knew that adoration would only grow as they got older.

"What do you think of all this Potter stuff?" the Malfoy asked the Greengrass after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Merlin, it's weird! Like... he's the boy who killed the Dark Lord? He's just... some first-year. Disappointing that he's a Gryffindor, I guess. My parents always thought he'd be better than the man he killed. Shame he isn't, really." Andie spoke angered but slowly, unsure of how to express herself, but certain of her feelings.

"So did mine! Father wasn't exactly happy when I wrote to him and said he has some sort of victim mentality. At least it's him I have to butter up, though. Can you imagine it being the young Weasley? Stubborn twat." Cassiopeia scoffed at the thought.

"Yeah, I don't envy you, like, at all. When can you be through with it all?" Andie asked.

"Not for years, I imagine. If I give up, my intentions will be obvious and everything would crumble down. Father wouldn't want that, and I wouldn't either. It's a small price to pay, I think. Maybe I'll be a spy or something, and go along with their beliefs after Hogwarts. We need all the help we can get, after all; who knows when the Dark Lord can rise again?" Cassiopeia wondered aloud.

"I hope they get it all over and done with quickly, honestly. I'm sick of pretending to like the people at this school." Andie sighed, and Cassiopeia rested her head on the ginger girls stomach.

"Apart from me, naturally." Cassiopeia commented swiftly.

"You're alright, I guess." Andie chuckled softly, and the two girls fell into silence as they enjoyed their lazy Saturday.

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