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"Morning, Cassiopeia."  Herminia Warrington croaked as the sun slipped through the dormitory windows, covered in the Black Lakes water.

There were only three girls in their year who were Slytherin: Cassiopeia, Andie and Herminia - or Mini, as people had taken to calling her. She was ironically usually the tallest in a group, and was incredibly athletic. She had dark, straight hair and a hard, intimidating face.

She wasn't hard to live with or rude, though. Although no one could see it, she was actually the nicest out of the three third year Slytherin girls, even if she was the most openly bigoted. The majority of her friends were the male Slytherins or Ravenclaws, she was easy to live and well-humoured.

"Morning, Mini." Cassiopeia responded, sitting upright. She had slept well, which was evident by her frizzy French braids. Andie laughed, but it slowly morphed into a yawn.

"You look like you've been dragged through a bush, Cassie." she declared. Rolling her eyes, the Malfoy got out of bed and headed to the bathroom that the three girls shared.

The room was made almost entirely of marble, and there was three of everything: three showers, three toilets, three sinks and so on. It was incredibly sleek, some would say too lavish for three school girls.

But these were three pureblooded girls who weren't adept to the average conditions, and it certainly met expectations. It didn't quite exceed them, but it wasn't the biggest issue in the world.

Cassiopeia headed to her shower, and had it be ice cold. She was adept to the temperature, as this was something she had done every morning for years. It woke her up instantly, and she washed quickly, ensuring that her hair would not get wet.

In the blink of an eye, she was stood before her mirror in her dormitory. Now dressed in her uniform, the Heiress began on her makeup. To Cass, this was a vital, unmissable step; how could you be the perfect girl when your pimples and dark circles were on show?

She kept it relatively simple, only wearing concealer, mascara, blush and highlighter, but it made her look considerably more alive. Taking Narcissa's advice, she kept it light and natural looking - thirteen was far too young to be wearing makeup, let alone parading around in it, looking like a jester.

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"Merlin, Potions with the Gryffindors at 9AM? I might throw myself into the Black Lake." Andie muttered into Cassiopeia's ear. The Malfoy shrugged and put a small amount of porridge in a bowl.

It would reasonable to call the young girl irrational; not only did she inherit Lucius Malfoy's ability to play by the rules, she was also plagued by the incessant paranoia that he would never admit to.

Because of this, she refused to ever even whisper her true thoughts, feelings or intentions to Andie when they were in public. If the wrong person heard, her reputation would be in tatters before she could do anything to stop it.

And so, Cassiopeia would simply smile as Andie decided to make a sly comment to her, and continue about her business as normal. She refused to be caught out by anyone.

"Can you pass me the jam?" she asked Andie mindlessly, looking over her new school timetable.

Rolling her eyes, the redhead obliged. She found her best friends overthinking absurd, but that was just Cassie. Always had been and always will be an overthinker who is able to perfectly play the role of a calm, likeable girl.

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