MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 10

Começar do início

"When?" Both Hulk and I wanted to know.

"As soon as we can find our dresses and get all the arrangements made." Nessa said, leaving the date open for now.

We paid for our dinners and took the girls home. We were back at the club house now and everyone was still up when we pulled up.

Rooster had had the bar built on the side of the main entrance instead of just walking right into the bar to get into the club house, like it had been before, there was now a separate entrance for the bar away from the house as well as an entrance from inside the house.

When we got back, the music was playing and the new disco ball was shooting light all over the room. As soon as we stepped into the room, it got quiet and we held up our old ladies' left hands and yelled "They said YES!"

The old ladies rushed at our women to congratulate them while the brothers lined up to shake our hands or bro hug us with congratulations. We stayed and drank a couple of beers and then we went up to our rooms. Kaylee had agreed to watch over Carmella for the night and she was already asleep in their room so we had our room all to ourselves.

Annalisa and I stayed up almost all night, making love and talking. We finally fell asleep about an hour before the sun came up but only managed to sleep for about 4 hours before a knock came at the door and I could tell it was Kaylee with Carmella.

"Morning Eagle. I'm sorry to bother you but Carmella woke up with a bit of a fever and she keeps crying for Annalisa." Kaylee said. "I think she's just cutting another tooth but nothing I do seems to console her. She just wants her mommy."

"That's okay, Kaylee. Thanks for watching her last night. I'll take her." I said and put my arms out to Carmella. She came right to me and Kaylee was right, she did feel warm. I closed the door and carried her over to Annalisa who was now awake and pulling my t-shirt over her head.

I told her what Kaylee had said and Annalisa took her daughter and put her cheek next to Carmella's. "Can you please get me the thermometer in her diaper bag? It should be in the inside pocket." She said as she rubbed her finger inside of Carmella's mouth.

"Yeah, she's cutting a new tooth, maybe two. Feels like two more bottom teeth are going to come in soon." Annalisa said. There's some baby orajel in there too, can you pass it to me?"

I found the thermometer and the orajel and passed it over to her. I watched closely as she took her temperature (this was one you put on the forehead) and when it read 100°, Annalisa opened the orajel and squeezed some onto her finger and rubbed it over the baby's gums where she could feel the roughness of the tooth trying to come through.

"I wonder if Charlie has any baby tylenol? The bottle I bought got burned up in the fire and I haven't replaced it yet. Could you go find out? I'm going to give her a bath to hopefully bring her fever down." Annalisa asked as I pulled on a pair of jeans.

"Sure. I'll be right back." I said. I know very little about babies but Carmella being sick or hurt in any way had me worried. I left our room and walked down the hall to the new room Cruise and Charlie had moved into. I knocked but there was no answer and I figured they were downstairs. I quickly walked down to the new kitchen and found Charlie, Kaylee and Nessa standing around the kitchen counter drinking coffee and cooking breakfast.

"Good morning!" They greeted me.

"Good morning. Charlie, do you by chance have any baby tylenol? Carmella is definitely cutting a new tooth and she has a fever of 100. The bottle we had bought got burned up in the fire." I asked.

"Yeah, sure." She said and followed me back upstairs, leaving Crystal, who was sitting in her highchair, with Kaylee and Nessa. She entered her room and quickly retrieved the bottle of medicine and handed it to me.

Monster Slayer's MC Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora