MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"Sure. Might as well. This might be the one if the asking price is right." Annalisa said.

I pulled up to the man and opened my window. "Excuse me sir?"

"Yes? What can I do for you, son?" He asked.

"We're just wondering how much you are asking for the house?" I asked.

"Well, I'm asking $70,000 but I also realize that the house is going to need some work done to it so I'm open to reasonable offers. Why don't you come on up and look it over and you tell me what you think is fair." The man said.

I looked over at Annalisa and then at the clock on the dash and saw we still had a little more than half an hour before we were due to be at their house. I asked Annalisa "Do you want to go look?"

"Sure. Let's go." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Sure. We're due at someone's house for dinner in half an hour but they live just a little farther down the road so I guess we can take a quick look." I told him.

"Well, pull into the drive and park by the end of the porch." He said and turned to walk back across his yard, wondering if maybe he should just go ahead and pull down the sign.

We pulled in and parked where he said and I walked around to help Annalisa down from the car and then turned to get Carmella out of her carseat. She spotted a swing in the yard and began to let her desire to swing be known. "Not now sweetie. Maybe in a little while." Annalisa told her as I handed her off. We walked around the car to meet our host who stuck out his hand and said "I'm Jim Willard."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Willard. I'm Eagle, this is my wife, Annalisa and our daughter, Carmella. Do you mind if I ask why you are selling?" I asked as we followed him up onto the porch. I didn't notice that Annalisa now had a huge smile on her face.

"My wife passed last year and I've been banging around this house by myself ever since. It's too big for me to keep up with and none of my children are interested in moving back here so I've decided to sell it and move to Florida. I've got an old army buddy that retired down there. He's got a boat and he's promised me warm days and all the fishing I can handle. I hope he's right because I love to fish and I'm really looking forward to going deep sea fishing." Mr. Willard told us. "Are you part of the Monster Slayers MC?" He asked when he noticed my cut.

"Yes, sir." I answered honestly.

"You guys have done wonders for this town. My wife and I almost sold this place about 12 years ago when the town was overrun with Cobras and Vipers because it was unsafe to walk the streets in town during the day and you literally took your life in your hands to go out at night. Then you guys ran them out and have helped the community to not only recover but to grow and many of us feel safe now. Thank you! And to show my appreciation, I'll take $5,000 off of whatever price we decide on. I saw that you guys are rebuilding your club house?"

"Well, thank you sir but I do want to make sure you have a happy retirement too. Yes sir, we're rebuilding the club house due to a fire. When we worked out the cost to rebuild over the cost to repair, we realized it would have cost more to repair than it would to rebuild and with as much as we've grown over the past few years, we need extra space. Would you mind showing us around?" I said, being conscious of the clock.

Mr. Willard led us into a large comfortable looking living room with a nice natural stone fireplace and then into a dining room that would easily seat 8 people and could possibly hold more. They had a lot of nice furniture in here but there was so much of it that it made the room look small.

Annalisa caught her breath when we entered the kitchen and the smile on her face told me all I needed to know. "There's a big pantry in here that I installed for my wife about 5 or 6 years ago that has come in really handy. There's also a mud room where we have the washer and dryer through there that leads out to the back yard." Mr. Willard said, opening the pantry door but just pointing to the laundry room door.

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