Part 9

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It was now Friday. The homework Robert gave me it was a whole load of shit. Even my dad didn't have a clue what it was about. Give me english, give me science, give me Spanish but god help me with maths. It was third forth lesson now which was drama and Robert was in maths so we were waiting for a cover teacher for drama. Sometimes we have robert for drama but its sometimes mr Gibbons. It was Roberts week this week but he wasn't in maths so i have no idea where he is today.

"Hi im covering for mr downey. He is off with flu" mr Renner says walking in.

I look at him weird and he shakes his head at me. I knew he didn't have flu. Theres something more to it than that. He teaches the lesson and i sit there wondering what is going on. I feel my phone vibrating and it was Roberts id. Funny that is.

"Mr renner my dad is phoning me can I answer it?" I ask.

"Really? Be quick" he says.

I was surprised he actually said yes but i went outside and answered it.

Me- hello?

Robert- maddie i need your help. Susan has had a go at me. The kids are going to my parents after school but i need your help.

Me- what the fuck

Robert- my reaction. Please maddie. Say that your dad has phoned asking to go home

Me- okay

He hangs up and i am weirded out. What the fuck is happening. I go back into class and i tell them that my dad had an emergency so i had to leave. I drove straight to Roberts and i knocked the door. He opens it and pulls my hand in.

"What on earth is happening?" I ask.

"Susan had a go at me. She had a funny five minutes and threw glass everywhere this morning. My parents are supposed to be coming over here to sort out the kids clothes as they are staying there the weekend. Susan is staying in a hotel and im fucking loosing it" he says.

"Calm down. First sort that cut on your face. How did that happen?" I ask.

"She slammed the door in my face. Corner of the door scraped me" he says.

"It looks fresh though. Did she come back?" I ask.

"No. I itched it and bled again" he says.

"Why me? Haven't you got friends?" I ask.

"Look i need to talk to you about yesterday the yanno and also i think you would be more suitable than my friends" he says.

I nod my head. We did need to talk about yesterday.
I helped clean the glass up and i wipe his blood off his face. We make sure the place is tidy and then he groans.

"Go upstairs in the spare room. I don't want my parents meeting you. They are weird" he says.

I laugh and i nod in agreement. Its not the fact i think they are weird its the fact of i don't exactly want to meet them when its only me and Robert. I go upstairs and i go into his office. I didn't know which room was the spare room so i sat in his chair.

He had unmarked homework papers and empty ones . I hear voices from downstairs and after about ten minutes it goes quite. I stay put until i hear the door open.

"Susan didn't throw the glass. I did. I didn't want to scare you. She was pissing me off this morning going on about this conner saying how much of a good friend he was. So i pushed the glass onto the floor. She went and she is staying in a hotel with the kids. She told them the heating here wasn't working" he says.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Im fine" he replies.

"We need to talk about yesterday" i say.

"First. Homework? Did you do it?" He asks changing the subject.

"No. Me and my dad couldn't work it out. Its very confusing" i admit.

"Sit" he says pointing to the other chair.

I stand up and sit in the other chair and he sits in his. I look at him and memories from yesterday come flooding back. I feel myself shifting in my seat and he notices.

"What seems to be the problem with the homework?" He asks.

"The problem is all of it. Maths is my worst enemy" i say.

"I will show you" he says.

He does show me different questions and then i try the homework ones. I finish them all and he takes the sheet from me and places it on his pile.

"Thank you for that. I know its hard you know as of your family problems but we do have to speak about what happened yesterday" i say.

"Theres nothing to talk about" he says.

"Really robert?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything instead he leans into me and i feel myself leaning against him. Our lips collide and i cant help myself. He scoots his char forward so his legs were in front of mine. I shake my head and pull away.

"Not enjoying it?" He asks.

"I am thats the problem but Robert you are married" i say.

"You have said before but i want to ask you something" he says.

"Whats that?" I ask.

"You and Susan seem friendly. Ask her to go for coffee and bring up in conversation about mind and her relationship. See if she says anything about conner. Look i need to know and i know she wont tell me" he says.

"Okay. One day next week i will" i reply.

"Thank you sweetheart. Now you can either sit there for another hour and watch me mark or you can head home" he says.

"Fuck it. Sorry i have to" i say.

"Have to what?" He asks.

I stood up and i straddled his lap. It was very bold of me but i kissed him to stop him from saying anything. I am this man's teachers pet. Im the good girl in school but this man makes me want to do bad things.

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