I Dont Wanna Know

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I knew I was still asleep, well kind of. I was awake because I couldn't move my arm.

"Sammy, move."

He didn't budge, I try to sit up and push him off but he felt different. I open my eyes fully to see a naked Sam laying next to me.

I scream as loud as possible, I didn't even mean to really. He screams too and we jump away from each other. Sookie comes in and she freaks out with us.

"What the hell are you doing here

"Nothing. Sleeping."

I calm down as I look at him, I felt surprisedly safe. I mean about him being around, at least I wasn't alone.

"Did you touch my sister?"

He quickly looks at sookie as shakes his head.

"Hell no, I swear. Sookie, listen. Bill asked me to look after you and Dixie while he was away."

"Did he ask you to do it buck-naked?"

I haven't said anything to him yet, I didn't know what to say.

"I want you out of here. Now."

"Listen. I need to tell you something about me, something I've never told anyone."

"Oh, my God, it's you. You're the murderer."

"No, no, Sookie..."

I grab her and pull her into my body.

"Oh, my God, you killed my grandmother."

She runs out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, she shuts the door. I look back at Sam, he was nervous.

"Dixie, say something."

I slightly laugh as I gently touch his cheek.

"I kind of always knew, I mean some part of me did anyways."

"You're not scared of me."

"God no, I mean I'm a little freaked out but that the supernatural side of things. I mean I knew shifters existed but I didn't think you were one."

"You know about us."

"Kind of. I mean I've never met one but I read about you from an ex-boyfriends library."

He nods, I stand up and put my pants back on. He once again looks away from me, I laugh as I go to knock on the door.

"Sookie, come out. Please."

I slowly open the door and a dog Sam walks in first. I stand next to him as she slowly opens the curtain.

Sam changes back in front of her, she just looks at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not the killer, I swear. I'm a shape shifter."

"Shut the fuck up."

I had gotten her out of the shower and dressed. I had found some of Bill's clothes for him to wear instead of being naked.

We had moved out into the porch where it was cooler. I needed air and I know Sookie did too.

"A shape-shifter?"

"Most of us refer to ourselves simply as shifters."

"Well, how many of you are there?"

"Thousands, tens of thousands, maybe. We don't exactly have a newsletter."

"Do you come from, like, a family of shifters or something?"

"It's hereditary, so yeah, I suppose. But, I was adopted. And the family that took me in... We just never talked about it."

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