Are you sure?

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Beyond yesterday, I found out my hyde-antidote, doesn't actually work. Like, he didn't un-hyded, he just became a hyde without a owner, which, he woud eventually end up being. Well, he has apologised to everyone about the scandal, explaining that it wasn't his fault, he was just under the control of someone, and kept being manipuated.

Many people, most of them even, don't know Tyler's a hyde, and he kept it that way.. only expained thing to the ones who already knew he was. With his father as sheriff, it wasn't that hard for him to not get arrested, however, it was still very difficult for the ones who knew, to go back to talking to him.


- Hey, a quads for the pretty girl there, the one with braids you know?

- Yeah, I know who Wednesday is Xavier.

I came to the coffee shop with Enid, Eugene, and Xavier, sure, it seems ike I was trying to make Tyler jealous.. but, i'm not that type of girl. I don't want Tyler back, and I don't like Xavier, the drawing me thing has really pushed me away. He's just obsessive. I locked him up because of a mistake and he still forgave me.

While Tyler and Xavier talked, I just stared them coldly.


I look back and see Enid calling me

- I know there are like, two super hot guys fighting over you, but like, we have a school trip to worry about, remember?


- You got in trouble because of Laurel.. remember now? The new principal made you decide the big school trip and organize everything, and then, as I am so nice, I volunteered to help you

-I don't need help.

-Where would you take us?

-Here, to the coffee shop.

-Yep, you definitely need help

I roll my eyes and continue to stare directly into those two boys, until Tyler completes my coffee order and brings it to me, or he wanted to. Xavier get's in the way and say thanks, just take it off his hand while comming to my direction. Tyler look pissed

-What the hell?

Tyler says to him

-Wanna buy a fight with me big eye?

Tyler says nothing and just get's closer to him. At that point, those are just two idiots trying to make a movie scene in a work place, so I interrupt the moment.

I get up, stay between the two boys and just take my coffee off the hands of Xavier, afterwards I sit.

- Enid transformed.

I say, changing the subject


-Thanks Eugene!

They continue to talk about Enid and her life, and I see Tyler by the balcony, trying to fix the coffee machine. I stand up and go over there, I can feel the glances of Xavier into my direction.

- Still can't fix it?

-I'd rather ask a back haired braided girl to help me with it

He have a bright smile on his face. I go to his side and help him.

-Ohhh, no favor for favor this time? I mean, if you offer me 40 bucks to leave again I may take it

He laughs a little, trying to make small talk.

-I'm thinking about going to Nevermore

I immediately stop working on the machine and stare him. I do not think this is a good idea.

              I ask

-Well, my mom went there, and I want to find out more about her, she's my hero.. kinda.. maybe..

- Never.

I say while fixing something hard in the machine


I continue while trying to take something out of it


I say hitting it


He says easily taking a piece of plastic out of the machine

- I don't think you will like it there

Thing comes and crawl my body, and stays on my shoulder.

-Why not?

I look at him, he can't go there.

- just not.

-well, you learned to enjoy there

I stay silent as he continues

- So, I pretty much think that I'll fit in

I keep my silence for some time until I change subject

- Your machine is working.

I leave the coffee shop.


Wednesday (Tyler as love interest )Where stories live. Discover now