Chapter 13 (Supernatural World of Madness)

Start from the beginning

        Renata was comforted and irritated at the same time. "We protected and defended each other. It wasn't one-sided."

          Rocio nodded. "Of course. I remember it all." Rocio stepped around Diamond and placed a quick hand against Renata's shoulder. "I love you, Nata. I don't know what is going on with you, but it's got undying from all over sniffing around you. Nirvi and I just want to make sure you're okay. What do you think it?"

          Renata hesitated. Diamond jumped in. "She's not going."

      Renata didn't mean to snap as she tried to calm the situation. "Diamond, just give me a second to think."

         Diamond's face couldn't have been any more astounded. "I know you've been through a lot. I know you're scared. I'm scared too. But we can't trust any of this. We shouldn't."

         "I don't. I just don't see any other choice. I can't just go on like this, not knowing why I am the way I am. I need answers. And...I trust Rocio," Rocio offered a soft smile in response. "She's my sister. And she's a lot better option than my literal murderer."

          "What did you just say?" Rocio's horrified question made them jump.

          Renata sighed. "Well, just like I've missed a lot, so have you."

         Rocio looked at Renata, only for a couple lingering seconds, and then her eyes softened with familiarity. "Well, then it looks like we have some catching up to do."


          Renata wiped the tears from her eyes and tried to regulate her breath as the car pulled off, with her inside. On the curb stood Diamond, who was unapologetically sobbing. Her whole body shook. Renata could still feel Diamond's fierce grip, how her nails dug into her arms as Renata had to pry her off. In some ways, she knew she was somehow abandoning her best friend. It was tearing them both apart to be separated, but it was the new reality they could not escape.

          It wasn't like they weren't going to see each other again...just not for a little bit. At the very least, Renata had her phone, and there wasn't a zero-contact rule. Not that Renata would have entertained such a thing.

          They would have to make long-distance work. For however long.

          "She'll be okay," Rocio reassured her.

          Renata looked to her right. "I know you," she said instead. "You're still my sister. I've never stopped loving you...but if this is some kind of trap, some kind of betrayal, I will kill everyone. Understand?"

         Rocio's eyes widened with shock. Hell, Renata had even surprised herself with how steadfast her promise came across. Instead of being insulted, Rocio nodded once, twice, three times. "Of course, Nata."


         Renata was exhausted as the wheels came rolling to a stop. She looked out into the darkness of the night. She made out a beautiful home with lights adorning the yard stretched before it.

          They were miles outside the nearest town, a town at least six hours away from the city Renata called home. A place where she left her heart.

          Their recent kiss was playing in her thoughts over and over, leaving her heart pounding and her mind scrambled. She had no idea what she felt, although what she felt the moment their lips touched appeared pretty damn coherent.

          "We're here," Rocio stated the obvious while unbuckling her seatbelt. Renata nodded along and followed suit. She felt like she wasn't really in control of her body. Not really. Yet she was moving all the same.

        The door was opened for Renata, startling her. She clutched her purse close and stepped out. She tipped her chin at the stranger, who's eyes were blue—so, human? Thankfully, before she began to lose her mind, Rocio was by her side. "This is Nirvi's main residence, but she has properties all over the world," Rocio informed her. "She was away, actually, but flew back in to meet you."

          Renata's stomach tightened as she looked around at the armed people surrounding them. Men and women in suites lined the property. This place was armed to the teeth. Was it to prevent people from coming in or leaving? The possibility of it being the latter made Renata want to rethink all the decisions she made which led her here.

          You don't want Nirvi's help. 

       His face flashed through her thoughts. His stupid, red eyes. The concern and mild alarm which created creases in his otherwise smooth features.

          If you ever need me or my help, I will be there.

       As much as she planned to completely annihilate him, and as much as she hated him, a small, tiny, minuscule part of her, which was obviously buried down deep, hoped he was telling the truth.

          The only sounds Renata could hear were everyone's footsteps as they got closer and closer to the front door. She felt she was walking closer and closer toward the edge of a cliff. Her fists were clenched tightly and the thought of bolting it in the opposite direction was all too appealing, especially if it meant she would be right back in Diamond's arms.

          Still, Renata went forward with her older sister by her side.

           "Am I going to meet her soon? Nirvi."

          "We both thought it would be better if you settled in first. If you're up for it, I thought I'd introduce you over dinner. What do you think?"

          Renata pictured them sitting down, sipping crystal glasses filled with blood. She imagined she would be trembling in her seat as they taunted her with a flash of their fangs. Instead, she cleared her throat and answered, "yeah, that works for me. I just need to shower and relax for a bit."

          "Of course, Nata."

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