Prolouge 2/3: The Alien Mentor

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"So what do you think this one will do eh? He gonna Click angrily at us?" A O.W.L.F Soldier jokes as two others laugh alongside him except for one lone soldier who has quite a Unique look and set of weapons. More specifically a Prototype Magnetic Assualt rifle and a Motion tracker gernade launcher, his equipment consisting of a C.I.G a bunch of Syrettes and a Medic bag. All the while he wears a Full on thermal suit which covers his entire body. "Why are you looking so glum sam?" One of Sams compatriots ask as the elevator comes to a stop, Sam says nothing as the lights go green and everyone straps in and descends into the hot heat wave of the jungle. "Alright we know what we're hunting Boys, Spread out and find it" the Commander says and every squad member muds up and Splits up fully intending on killing something.

In a Completely different area a White Feminin Humonoid Figure is seen resting in a Tree and looking at a Trophy, Gingerly inspecting it as to not cuase any damage.

In a Completely different area a White Feminin Humonoid Figure is seen resting in a Tree and looking at a Trophy, Gingerly inspecting it as to not cuase any damage

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(This is the best you are getting, I do not use the playstation app)

She stops inspecting the skull however due to a twig snapping and sees the Lone figure of a Familiar Teenager Turned 18 Anarchist. "Guy squealed that there were Government boys hunting something down Here" The Anarchist says to himself as the exiled Predator Carefully stands up while cloaking herself. The New Adult grabs the M4A1 from his Side and checks the Magazine, being cautious he taps it against his chest lightly before putting it back in. "Can't wait to kill them first" The Anarchist says excitedly as he walks forward carefully as the Exiled Predator follows with peaked interest. "This human has already peaked my interests if he is hunting the people from the Helicopter. Let's see if he is a worthy warrior to speak to" She thinks as she quietly follows from the Tree's. After a minute of Walking The Anarchist stops and gets down on the ground in wait, The Hunter questions his action until she hears faint footsteps approaching. And slowly heading towards the Anarchist is a O.W.L.F Soldier, A White American soldier with a Rotary Minigun to be entirely specific.

The man stops just out of reach of the Anarchist as the Predator watches intently. The soldier takes one step and The Anarchist bursts from the Ground and Grabs the soldiers arm with enough twist to break it and drop the Minigun with a Scream of Pain alerting his Compatriots. The soldier walks backwards and looks at the Assailant only for his breath to hitch fearfully. "Y-your not supposed to be real!" He shouts fearfully as he starts Running away at full speed. The Predator watches as the Anarchist looks down at his minigun, Picks it up and just fires at the soldier ripping him to Shreds. "LEO YOU OKAY MAN?!" A Voice shouts a Fair distance away as The Anarchist simply Puts the gun down and deliberately points it to what remains of the corpse. He quickly goes to the Tree the Yautja is on and starts climbing. "Oh No" the Predator thinks grimly as the Anarchist is already up at the branch only to sit and watch the corpse. "He is using fear as a weapon...and skilfully too..." The Predator thinks as she turns her gaze back to the Corpse as the three mudded up soldiers finally arrive at the Scene. "Mud..." The Anarchist observes quietly as the soldiers just stare shocked at the body. "It knows how to use our weapons...Stay together team" The Commander says, a Black man with a Full arm tattoo and a shotgun says. Sam just shoots a stray motion tracker at the same tree the Human and the Predator is, The Yautja doesn't dare move a Muscle but the Human however simply stands up.

The Giant Humanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें