"J-Jordan Helm" he said shaking the out-stretched hand

"Get a prenup" Nathaniel said with a sigh before he saw us there

"Mind your o..."

"How long have you guys been standing there?" he asked but everyone just coughed

"Bee boy!" Scarlett said but wiggling out of Trinity's arms and running to Nathaniel who genuinely smiled down at her then picked her up

"Princess" he said then chuckled when she tried to squeeze him in her tiny arms

"Whose this?" Brigitte asked but Nathaniel ignored her and walked toward us

"I'm guessing you all heard everything?" he asked but no one answered
"And here I thought Dom was the nosiest person I know"

"Nope, Dakota is" D'Angelo stated

"Bitch" Dakota said clearly offended

"Beesh" Scarlett said making all our heads turn to her

"Don't ever let such horrendous words leave your adorable mouth while still attached to your innocent face and beautiful soul" Nathaniel said in one breath which made the person in question tilt her head to the side

"Huh?" Scarlett said making Nathaniel smile
I miss his smile

"Exactly, so I don't know about you guys but I'm starving" he said ignoring his mother which is exactly what we all did as we walked away from those two

"Are you just gonna ignore me, Nathaniel! I am your mother!"

"My mother?" my sweet baby asked looking back at her
"When have you ever been my mother?"


"I don't give a rats ass about the pity party you've been throwing yourself over the years but for fu-, *sighs* you need to grow up Brigitte cause in case you haven't noticed Nevada has lost all respect for you and those kids you made hate me are exactly like you. I am happy Nicolas walked out on you because if he didn't, I would have never seen what an egotistical narcissist you really are. I'm a happy man in a relationship he doesn't deserve with a family that actually loves each other" he said then walked toward her

"I want absolutely nothing to do with you or your useless life because I don't see an ounce of regret in your eyes and one more thing Brigitte, don't you ever call me Nathaniel again" he said right in her face then turned to walk away

"You- stupid son of a bitch!"

"Wait, doesn't that make you the bitch since he's your son?" I asked standing next to Nathaniel who only stared at me but I was looking at his mom


"For the love of getting away with murder, woman, do you ever shut up?" Santi said making me snort

"Stay in your lane you stupid brat"

"Watch your tone you overpaid cunt" ma said stepping out in front of us
"I do believe you've embarrassed yourself enough for one day and judging by all the teenagers who have their phones out, I'd say you'll be trending by tonight. Although judging by how quickly your new husband left, I'd say you'll be divorced before that happens"


"Leave and never contact my son again cause if you do, my face will be the last thing you see before I kill you"

"He's my son!"

"That's where your mistaken, that boy is a Donavon now" ma said with only inches separating their faces

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