Chapter 10 - Mission for everyone.

Start from the beginning

Jhanavi :- "Aai please nothing good will happen if I come back and besides sarth is happy with his daughter."

Astha :- "Jhanavi jiya is not sarth's daughter she is-

But before she could finish the door burst open and a angry sarth walked in.

Sarth :- "Jiya is my daughter aai! jiya sarth kulkarni Please lock this in your mind."

Sarth glared at astha and then at jhanavi.

Sarth :- "And please you don't have to beg someone to come back in my life. I don't need someone who will wall out and walk in anytime they want!"

Sarth glared at jhanavi, as he said this astha could feel that his bitter words had hurt jhanavi because her eyes were now filled with tears.

Jhanavi :- "Don't worry that someone is never coming back in your life. You can live happily without her mr.kulkarni."

Sarth and jhanavi glared at each other astha could clearly see the sadness in their eyes as they said the bitter words to each other but both were too dumb to understand that.

Astha :- "Stop it both of you!"

Now this brought them out of their trance, they focused their attention on astha.

Astha :- "Stop all this please Solve all your problems like an adult!"

With that astha strommed out of the room she just couldn't see them behaving like with each other, she just couldn't understand how things changed between them. They were once a happy couple but now everything was different. But she was determined to solve things between them.


Sheetal (Chachi) was sitting in her room reading a magazine when her husband vinay burst in with a frustrated look. He removed his tie and threw it across the room.

Sheetal :- "What happened?"

Vinay :- "I'm so done with manish! He always takes all the business decisions on his own. he doesn't even thinks about asking me or including me in those decisions!"

Vinay slammed his hand on the wall in frustration making sheetal flinch a little.

Sheetal :- "He always does that you are the one who thinks he cares! Finally you got some sense."

Sheetal rolled her eyes at her husband and continued flipping through her magazine.

Vinay :- "I'm so done with him. He just thinks he is the king of the world or something, that everyone and everything should be the he wants!"

Sheetal slammed the magazine on the bed and glared at her husband she was done with him just ranting and doing nothing. If only he did things would finally change for them. They would get the respect they deserve.

Sheetal :- "Stop ranting and do something."

Now this made vinay stop his frustrated ranting, he smirked at sheetal like he knew exactly what he had to do. She furrowed her eyebrows.

Sheetal :- "Whats going on in your mind?"

Vinay :- "Well you will find out soon."


Jiya :- "We need to go to this camp."

Yash :- "Yes it seems so fun!"

Aarvi :- "Yes but how to convince our parents? Aai will never send me alone!"

Aarvi, yash and jiya were currently on a call discussing about the camp that was announced today in their school.

Yash :- "Well my aai would agree but baba, it's hard to convince him."

Yash rested his head on his palm and pouted.

Jiya :- "Baba will be super worried all the time if I went alone."

Aarvi :- "Same with my aai."

The trio let out a long sigh,  they began to think of a good idea to convince their parents. And after 10 mins aarvi seemed to find one.

Aarvi :- "I have an idea! Jiya you will convince my aai and I will convince SK. Then we both will convince rakesh uncle!"

Jiya :- "Perfect!"

Yash :- "This will definitely work!"

The trio grinned at their great idea to convince their parents. Finally they can go to this camp.

Aarvi :- "Mission camp!"

Yash & Jiya :- "Mission camp!"

NOTE - English is not my native language so please forgive me if I did any mistakes.

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