Shocker for mia

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Everyone are busy in their work it's been a six months that mia and kabir became friends and everyone were happy by seeing mia getting mingled with everyone. Atleast once in a day everyone will com to office to meet her and this makes her so happy that there are new peoplr in her life who loves her to the core and in this one week everyone gave nick names to mia

Maanvi Maahi: Doll

Arjun, Veer: Princess

Khushi: Sweetheart

Kabir: Baby girl

kabir and mia were discussing about the upcoming project when arjun and veer barged in the cabin and kabir rolled his eyes by seeing them mia jumped like a bunny and went towards them and huged them.

Arjun, Veer: We missed u princess

Mia: I missed u too bhai's

Kabir : Like seriously guy's you people meet each other every day

Mia: Kabir u are just jealous that they love me more than you

Kabir: Yeah yeah baby girl i am so jealous he said sarcastically

Mia pouted slighty and turn towards arjun and veer and showing her eyes to scold kabir. And all these is seen by kabir and he slightly smiled because he realized in this one month that he like mia

Arjun: Very bad kabir you can't talk to her like that to which mia nodded and showed her tongue to kabir teasingly

Kabir: Fine if u people are done me and babygirl need to go the outdoor meeting so shall we

Mia: Yes kabir let's go why are u wasting time she said and rushed out of the cabin to get her things because this was an important meeting for kabir he was working hard for this project and kabir turned towards his friends and said

Kabir: I am wasting time seriously he asked

Arjun and veer rolled their eyes at him and went back to their office and kabir and mia went to the outdoor meeting they reached to that place and mia was slightly nervous because she is presenting malhotra industries kabir observed this and said

Kabir: Stop being nervous babygirl u r gonna be fine and i am damm sure we will get this project

Mia: but kabir what if i go wrong in between

Kabir: I trust u he said immeadiately and instantly mia smiled

Mia: Fine then lets go we are getting late she said and wenT

Towards the meeting room as soon as they enter the meeting room they were welcomed by darkness and silence which means meeting is going to start so they both quietly went towards their places and meeting started after some time it was mia's turn for presentation so she turned towards kabir so he just smiled and blinked his eyes mia just sighed and went towards the moniter and she came in front of everyone in the light and she started her presentation she was giving her presentation very confidently but there was one person in the meeting who was shocked to see mia over there and that person has tears in their eyes by seeing her and here mia was done with the presentation so after some time they were waiting for the announcement about the project but mia got a call she excused herself and went out to attend her call. And here the contract was won by two companies one is malhotra industries and the other one nakashatra industries and everyone on were gretting each other for the contract but one person is just waiting for mia

Mia entered the hall by then the hall was almost empty only few people were present so she went towards kabir and asked him about contract but kabir just huged her tightly and said thanks and mia understood that they got the contract they after some time they were packing up their things to leave but suddendly mia was attacked by a bear hug and kabir and mia were shocked but kabir composed himself and pushed mia to himself has if he is protecting mia from that person but mia's condition was different she saw the person who huged her and her eyes has tears by seeing that person .....

That person is none other then Neil Rathore mia's Twin

What will be mia's reaction

what will be kabir's reaction

Will kabir forgive mia for lying

what will happen

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