Her Life.

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Trust is like an eraser , it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake .

Sometimes even tears can't express that much pain as much a smile is hiding.....

Night is the time where people sleep and dream for what they want but for Mia the night life is a nightmare for her. It's been six years she left everything beyond and came to Mumbai for a new life without any problems. But life is not bed of roses for her.

It's been six years she can't sleep properly because she is scared of being alone. The girl who used to be the princess of the house is all alone now. She is not ready to trust anyone because of her past.

We can see girl sitting in the swing in the balcony of her room and watching the sun rise. An another day of of her life without proper sleep. She sighed heavily and got up from the swing went to her bedroom to get freshen up. After getting ready she went to kitchen and made coffee and bread toast for herself for her breakfast. She is not used to eat alone but now she has eat alone because of her fate .

After eating the breakfast she started watching tv. In the mean while she got a call from an unknown person.

UP: Hello! Is this Mia Reddy

Mia: Yes may i know who is speaking

UP: We are calling from xyz company your resume matches to the position of pa we request u to come to the office on monday for the interview

Mia: Thank you so much i will be reaching on time

After the call she started thinking how her life changed in these all six years how she managed without her family and friends. She miss them a lot today because she got a call from her dream company today but she has no one to share the news.

She gets up from the living area goes to her bedroom the keep all her documents and other belongings ready for the interview.

In the late night she sits in her swing and she starts thinking how would her life be if she would be with her brothers. She miss her friends and her twin brother alot today because she feels lonely and scared to be alone

But see the irony she all alone and far away from her brothers and family.....

What will happen in the interview?

Will she get the job?

Will she ever able to move on from the past and lead a happy life?

Let's see what will happen when Mia and Kabir paths are crossed.........

Together foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن