Short Story Participants [RESULTS DECLARED]

147 12 1

Judge 1: awesometales 

1. Feral Shadow by Saphire_Skyes 

2. The Tragedy of the Hollands by Mariya_Evans 

3. Lost Boys of London by BellOfSilence 

4. Sunshine and Shadows by ScribbleYourThoughts

5. Messummer by CroodsGirl 

Judge 2: OfHearthAndStarsand 

6. How Peter Won Ellen by ella_rowan 

7. Grunt Life: A Short Story by JJonasMiller 

8. Grim's Record of Creations: An Anthology by Krisha_Grim 

9. Rainbow by ASQUAD19 

10. Lighters and Candy by liilac-ara 

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