⁵⁹ FRIENDS ᝰ n. seishiro

Start from the beginning

nagi's face flushed red with his friend's words. "i don't have a crush!"

"hah, sure."

it seemed like a genius like him couldn't even gather the courage to speak to a mere girl. and the mikage found that very amusing.

"why don't you talk to her?" reo suggested, a flash of hope struck nagi, "how would i do that? if i knew how to talk to her, i would've done that ages ago."

"relax. l/n-san goes to the library to read during lunch. you can start a conversation with whatever she's reading, maybe she plays games too!" reo said, a huge smirk on his face. "use your mind, genius."

nagi was hesitant on his friend's ideas, starting to think it was a huge hassle.

"you'll be fine, nagi!"

with the utmost peace and silence, a book was gently set on the table, as you glanced up.

sunlight illuminated golden hues in your field of vision, thus you couldn't see the person opposite you. only a figure of quite a tall person that felt somewhat. . . ethereal.

it was rare for someone to even bother you in the library, where you felt most comfortable in. and with the person that just sat down in your sunlight, it managed to annoy you a little.

"you read romcom?" the person asked, the familiarity in their voice going through your ears, sending chills down your spine.

it belonged to the ever-so genius in football, nagi seishiro. his monotonous voice never failing to make an impression on you.

"sometimes," you replied, eyes quickly darting back to the book in your hands.

why would he sit in front of you? and why are you scared? is it because he's practically a lazy giant?

you were dead set on talking to him a moment ago while planning with your friend. this wasn't how you two anticipated things.

"nice. i like the balloon scene. gives me the feels," he spoke, fully catching your attention.

"you've read love is war?" an eyebrow raised, curiousity seeped through your entire mind.


you swore you could hear a slight hesitation in his voice. it struck you when the boy sitting in front of you was simply getting out of character.

reo was the one who gave nagi intel on what you were reading. if it goes wrong, rep would lose a friend and a dream. jk.

"are you here to make small talks or discuss about love is war?" you finally broke the confusion and curiosity, the sunlight was now covered by a cloud and you could see nagi's face clearly.

you were expecting stoicism, but a flustered expression was displayed. an unknown feeling stung you like a bee, causing heat to rise up your cheeks, coating it with the petals of red roses.

nagi slightly shifted his head to the side, and you couldn't help but instantly covered your mouth with your hands. the sight of him blushing and shifting his head looked way too unreal.

it was like a dream, far from reality. way different from his usual laziness.

"n-nagi... i can't believe i'm saying this, but you look... cute," you shut your eyes in embarrassment.

the said boy felt more heat rise up to his cheeks at the sudden compliment. his eyes widened to compliment the shock on his face. "w-what... you idiot! don't go saying stuff like that.."

"oi! keep quiet!" a librarian shouted.

"oops, sorry."

"i said quiet!"

"sorry!" nagi whispered and you burst out laughing quietly as nagi remained his blush, looking at the side.

"you're funny," you giggled and smiled at him. "i think i like you."

his head took a sharp turn to look at you. "really?" a rare face full of hope and brightness.

you nodded, "yeah. i like funny people. they make things interesting."

"oh," his brightness turned dim, hope striped away from his heart. you were confusing, the way you sound so unsure when you speak made him think you wouldn't like him at all.

seeing him try so hard as someone who doesn't, that, you would never understood why. but you understood what he was trying to do, and you felt the same to do so.

"let's be friends!" you offered, closing the book and setting it aside. the first step was already unknowingly completed, and so was the second; talk and be friends.

he shot you a slight smile, a simple and beautiful sight in your eyes which made you heart thumped.

"sure, but one day, can we be more than video game buddies?" asked softly, his words firm, yet there was a hint of nervousness in it.

"yeah, i'd love that."


sept 15 2023 | friends.

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