I smiled at the thought of him. I think about Max too. I'm so glad to have him back. I remember when we were young, we would pretend my swings were dragons and we would ride them. Then we would climb a giant tree and eats its berries. They were bitter, but we were too lazy to walk onto the castle and get a snack.

I finally go to sleep, and not think about the war for once.
I wake up and see a horrid dress on my bed. It was crimson, and was white in the middle, the problem was, it looked like something someone would wear in the 1800s.

I put the thing on and the matching heels. I march downstairs and see my mother in the main hallway.

"You look gorgeous. This is what I wore to my Changing." She gasped.

"I am not wearing this to my. Changing." I say.

"Oh. I know your not. That is why I'm having you wear it to the interview." She smiles, then she shoos me away to get my hair done.

It gets curled and put into a bun.

This is embarrassing.

Vanessa and I start to walk to school

"You are embarrassing me. I am ashamed to say you are my sister." She jokes.

"Hahaha very funny." I say as I roll my eyes.

We finally get to school and people just stared at me and stifled laughs.

I finally see Venus and KELLEN!
I run up to him and he says,"hey prin-" then he stops and starts cracking up. I could feel my cheeks get hot.

"WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?" he asks, still laughing, Venus is on the floor cracking up.

"My mom forced me."

"That made my day." He said.

We start walking to class and I stop him,"Are you okay?"

He nods grimly. I know something is wrong.

He says,"He's fine." Then he hands me a note. And we walk into class. I winder what's inside it, he never said I couldn't open it, so....

Meet me at the water tower after 2nd period. YOU BETTER BE THERE.

I take a gulp wondering what he wants to do.

The periods go by fast, too fast. I don't want to go to the tower, but he will probably be mad at me if I don't go.

Period three ends, and since we both have that period, after class he practically drags me pit of class.
I can't believe we are skipping fourth period. If my parents find out.......

I see Venus at the tower. Waving and laughing as her black hair moves in the wind.


"Don't worry. Today is your last day as a humqn , so we ate gonna have a little fun. I would do this at lunch, bit you have to leave early."

"How do you know I have to leave early?"

He lifts up his phone,"you texted me."

He tells me to climb the tower and he does too, right behind me.

I better not fart because I cart when I'm nervous.

We make it to the top and he says,"Do you trust me?"

I look at him, confused.

He repeats,"do you trust me?"

I nod. He smiles.

"You are going to jump off the edge. I will let you freefall for a little bit, then I will catch you. Venus is down there if anything goes wrong.

I am trembling with fear,"Promise?"

"Promise. This is to prove that I will always be there I'd you ever fall.....like literally."

I go to the very edge. I could die if he is lying to me. Before I know it I fall forward.

I don't scream, I don't kick. Fear has completely paralyzed me. The wind feels good, but my stomach is where my throat should be.

I am getting close to the ground

Then, an impact hits me and takes the air out of me. I am wrapped in darkness and can't see a thing. Once I feel that I have stopped moving and see Kellen.

"Told ya you could trust me." He smirks with Venus smirking with me. I just stare at them wide eyed, then I collapse on the ground.

I can't believe what just happened.

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