Kakashi moving castle

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It was intriguing really.

The peaceful, cooling breeze that swept the long unkept grass of the valley, and the two towering mountain that were constantly covered by white puffy clouds.

And there it stood.

Kakashi moving castle.

Mysterious yet grand as it moved through  the mountain and into the dark depths of the unknown witch country.

However, iruka didn't think much about it and wasn't quite a curious as the other folks were about that castle, after all it was just a place where Kakashi, the grand wizard, supposedly lived. Other say it's just a war tool that the government has been testing out but who knows the actually truth. Besides, iruka was perfectly content in his homey workshop and home where he could create as many crafted jewelry as he wanted. He was a craftsmen after all and the shop was the last thing his father gifted him and his was set on living his days working in it and not a single sense of adventure.

Of course, fate has other plans for the young man as he got up from his private work space as the sounds of his co workers caught his attention.

"Oh! Did you see the castle? I bet Kakashi is in town and just waiting to steal another women's or man's heart away!" Anko cooed with a dreamy sigh as she gazed out the window.

"Oh that's just a fairy tale! Besides when have we ever seen the actual castle? It could be a witch spell! When you mean steal there heart, doesn't that mean he eats them?" Asuma commented shaking his head at anko words before watching the female huff in distain.

"Oh shut it asuma! You're just jealous you can't get any girls, and Kakashi is the perfect man. So what if he eats there hearts, I would serve mine on a silver platter." The female added before looking at iruka with a playful smile. "Right iruka?"

Iruka flinch, looking at Anko with a sheepish smile as he didn't exactly want to be involved in the conversation but decided to tag along. "Sure but I'm not certain I'd give my heart to him like that. I'd rather we share it and live together in peace. Anyway, I'm going to go visit my brother naruto." The young craftsmen said leaving as quickly as his legs would go and placed a hat on his head before he ventured out. He was shocked to see how crowed and busy the streets were but once he saw the flags he knew this was a sign that there might be a war happening soon. Iruka didn't worry too much and simply went down a different Path humming as he walked until he spotted two knights hanging in the back of the alley near him. He gulped, but quickly walked passed but just as he was a few inches away one of them spotted him.

" Oh? Look what we have here? Is that a little dolphin lost? Maybe we can help." One of cooed and iruka flinched as he turned seeing how close he was. The one who spoke up was near his age with white mid length hair and had a smile that was far from sweet. His eyes had a hungry that terrified him to the core. Mitsuki. That what his name was at least that's what his name tag said. Next to him was a tall lean young man with eyes as black as the night but there seemed to be a swirl of red in them. He had two lines down his face and short hair.

"Oh! I'm n-not lost, I'm going over to see my sister."

"Oh there you are darling.  Sorry I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you." Spoke a new voice, a voice that was like music to iruka ears and blushed as he felt an arm wrap around him, pulling him closer to the strangers chest.

"These guards were just about to leave." With a single flinch of his fingers the guards walked out letting out small complains as they left before the stranger who had silver hair that stuck at all ends, a single blue eye that held a sort of warm that relaxed iruka and walked with him. He didn't need to ask to know who he was.


He was real and he just used magic like it was nothing. He was even walking with him to who knows where.

"Don't hold it against them they're not so bad. Where are you headed? Kakashi asked gazing at iruka with a soft yet charming smile and it took all of the brunettes strength to not blush like an idiot.

"Oh I'm just heading to the Hokage chocolate shop." He said before Kakashi smiled at him softly once more, his face illuminating with a gentle care for him, something that iruka was surprised about. His face turned bright rest as Kakashi hand moved from his shoulder to his hand lacing it with his.

"Don't be alarmed but I'm being followed." Kakashi warned walking with him down the alley and not even half way there, giant balls of black creatures appeared from behind and in front of them. "Sorry looks like you're involved." The silver haired man whispered continuing to walk as iruka pressed against him in fear. Kakashi quickly turned the corner running as quickly as he could but even as he continued the creatures were on them like a pack of wolves. They were so close to being cornered until Kakashi gracefully wrapped his arm around iruka, flying them into the air above the grand party that was being thrown below.

"Now stretch your legs and start walking." Kakashi cooed giving all the encouragement iruka needs to walk, in complete awe at the fact that he was walking on air, is this what magic truly felt like?
The view was breathe talking, the people had gathered to dance the day away, with graceful moves and cheer, the chocolate shop was dazzled in colorful flags along with various tables filled to the brim with people. 

"You're a natural" the wizard praised walking iruka up from his daze and a shy smile broke from his lips, glad that he was getting the hang of this magic of sorts. It wasn't long before they arrived at the second floor balcony where Kakashi gentle set iruka down his hand touching the brunettes.

"I'll ward them off away from you but if stay inside for a little bit before going out."

"Ok" iruka said dreamily, walking away Kakashi having him one last charming smile and pulling his hand away, using his push to himself off the balcony and into the air.

"That's my Iruka." With that, Kakashi disappeared leaving a blushing iruka on his own in the second story balcony of the chocolate shop. Wondering when he would meet that said wizard again.

The end... maybe
Hope you liked it! Lol I had to watch the movie to make sure most of it was accurate.

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