Chaper 1

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    She kept walking until daylight. Through what seemed like endless woods. She still couldn't remember how she had gotten to where she was, or what had happened to her. It was all so strange. The last thing she remembered was being at a party with a few of her closest friends and she was starting to feel off... she had blacked out after the strange feeling had started, so that's all that she could remember, and it was making her panic more. She knew something bad had happened. She knew that she was FAR from home, far from the city, and somewhere she didn't know. She knew she had blood on her, and that her dress was ripped to almost shreds in some places, but she still didn't know if it was her own blood, or someone else's. She felt fine, so she didn't think it was her own.. So, who's could it be?

    She finally came to a clearing that looked like a huge meadow. The sun was just starting to rise over the horizon. It was so beautiful glistening off the dew on the grass. She stopped, took a deep breath and sighed, it was the first moment she felt she could actually breathe since she woke up. The meadow seemed to go on and on for miles as she looked around in all directions. The woods were behind her, and kind of to the left, but to her right and straight in front of her was just grass and wild flowers for as far as she could see. She felt so lost, but in the moment, peaceful. She allowed herself to take a minute and breathe in the fresh morning air.

After she was done taking in her moment of peacefulness, she decided to keep going through the meadow, instead of going back through the spooky woods. She walked for what felt like hours. She thought this meadow was never going to end! Until suddenly, she came to a road. It was a dirt path with little gravel, and it seemed to start right in the middle of the meadow, like it had no definite entrance. Maybe, she thought, this might be the end of the path? She decided to follow it and see where it led. She walked down the path for no more than just a few minutes when she seen someone walking a little ways ahead of her! She gasped in excitement, finally she had found someone. Maybe they'll be able to help her!

She tried to take off running, but ended up kind of half running with a weird limp. She didn't notice until now how bad her ankle was throbbing with pain. She called out to the person she saw. They just kept walking... The faster she ran, the farther this person seemed to get. They wouldn't turn around at all, even though she was practically screaming at them to help her. This went on for what seemed like hours to her, but had only been about 20 minutes. She stopped to catch her breath and when she did, the person she was seeing stopped, too. She caught her breath and tried walking towards them again. They slowly started walking forward again. She stopped, they stopped. The throbbing in her head intensified with the confusion clouding her mind more and more. She clenched her eyes shut and winced at all the pain she was feeling.

When she opened her eyes and looked around, the dirt path she had been walking on was gone, as well as the person she was chasing after. She spun around looking all over a few times. There was nothing but the same meadow. No dirt path. No person. Not even the woods anymore...

Just grass and wildflowers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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