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Cut several months later, we're at the exterior of Grumman Studios, a sound stage complex in Bethpage, New York where a billboard above reads "Snow White and the Peanuts Live! One Night Only" and people gathering to see the live televised stage adaptation of Charlie Brown takes on "Snow White".

Fade to the interior of the complex as people getting into their seats as they're getting ready for the one night performance.

Cut to Charlie Brown, nervously sweating bullets, as he anxiously wait for the performance to start with his friends and Brian Robbins, Paramount CEO.

Charlie Brown [voice over]:  Several months had passed since Mr. Robbins approved my pitch for my take on Snow White.  After several months of hard work, sweat and tears, and doing a little overtime at the studio.  Tonight is the night, this night will determine either the production a hit or... a miss.

Sally noticed Charlie Brown looking nervous.

Sally:  What's wrong, Big Brother?

Charlie Brown:  I'm just hoping everyone watching here and in their homes enjoys my latest work.

Brian: It going to be great, trust me.

Suddenly the host of the live performance appear on stage and after giving a brief introduction of tonight's performance.  The show starts with a overture as the opening credits is rolling.  Afterward the production begins with mostly a play by play reenactment of what transpired several months earlier most to the amusement of the audience and the people watching at home.

With a handful of commercials, the production played out like it did in Charlie Brown's script.  There was scenes where the crowd laughed, cried, how some WTF moments, and even several songs that the audience clapped along with, mainly "Snowy".

After nearly two hours, the production ends with the cast singing "Happiness" from You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.  Then after a couple of more scenes the show ends at the stage went black.

The audience was silent for a moment until they started to slow clap and then the slow clap became wild applause as they gave the show a surprisingly standing ovation which make Brian very pleased who also applaud at the performance.

The lights turned back on and the players comes out for the curtain call.  First the ensemble that played the townspeople came out and took a bow.  Then the players play Charlie Brown, Franklin, Rerun van Pelt, Linus, Schroeder, Pig-Pen, Shermy, and Snoopy came out and each of them took a bow as the clapping continued.

The player that play Sally got a rock star like standing ovation as she came out and took a bow.  Then the players that played Violet, Patty, Lilla, Janice, and The Little Red Haired Girl came out and each respectively took a bow.

The puppeteers that performed for Woodstock and his friends came out and took a bow.

The players that played Peppermint Patty, Marcie and Frieda came out and tow a bow.  Then the players that played King Reginald, King Gordon, and Lucy van Pelt as the Evil Queen came out and each, in turn, took a bow.

The player that played Pierre as The Prince came out and took a bow.  And then everyone turned to their immediate left and let out their left hand to the left part of the stage and the player that played Violette Honfleur as Snow White came out and got a standing ovation as she curtsy towards the audience.

Then the entire cast came together and took one final bow as the audience continued clapping on a well organized stage performance. 

Fade to the exterior of the stage as Charlie Brown, his friends, and Brian Robbins head towards the limousine as they go back to the hotel.

Brian: Great show tonight, Charlie Brown.

Charlie Brown:  Thank you.

Sally:  I'm very proud of you.

Charlie Brown:  Thanks, Sally.

The group enters the limo and drove off back to the hotel as this story comes to a happy end.

The End.

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