Queen Lucy's Dark Demands

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Fade to the following morning we see the evil queen sternly look out the window from the throne room and see her husband King Gordon going to visit his friend King Reginald to discuss the preparations for the wedding of Snow White and Prince Pierre.

Charlie Brown: [voice over] the morning that followed, Queen Lucy knew from the back of her deranged mind that the Mirror didn't lied. And she's anxiously waits until the moment is right to unfold her sinister plot.

Cut to the castle gate, we see Snow White and Frieda bid the king (played by The Mayor from It's The Pied Piper, Charlie Brown) so long as the latter is heading towards King Reginald's kingdom on the western part of the slightly enhanced forest.

King Gordon: So long, my daughter. I'll return home soon. Take care while I'm gone.

Snow White: So long, father. And safe travel.

Frieda: See you when you return, your majesty.

Snow White and Frieda wave so long to King Gordon as the king enter the royal stagecoach and leave for his friend's kingdom to make wedding preparations for their respective children.

No sooner than the king is out of sight, Queen Lucy call forth her two minions Peppermint Patty and Marcie.

Charlie Brown: [voice over] well the moment King Gordon is far from reach, Queen Lucy call forth her two loyal minions.


Peppermint Patty: [off camera] Coming Boss!

Marcie: [off camera] Coming Milady!

Fast footsteps can be heard off screen for a moment or two and then a loud knock at the front door of the throne room.

Lucy: Enter.

Peppermint Patty and Marcie, sharing the role as the Huntsman, enters the throne room and kneel before the queen.

Lucy: Arise, my faithful servants .

The two girls stood up before the queen and asked.

Peppermint Patty: You bellowed for us, your highness?

Marcie: What is your command?

Lucy:  I want you two to take Snow White deep within the forest. I never want to see her ever again.

Marcie: What are you saying?

Frieda walking past outside the throne room and indirectly overhead Queen Lucy murderous intentions for Snow White.

Lucy [Off Screen]: Let me put this bluntly. Take Snow White into the forest, I do not want to see her ever again. Slay her and bring back her heart as proof that the deed is done.

Frieda: [Quietly gasp in horror]

Back inside the throne room the two girls try in vein to protest Queen Lucy's demand.

Peppermint Patty: Slay her?

Marcie: But your highness, please reconsider.

Lucy: SILENCE! Either her life or yours, choose wisely.

With heavy hearts Peppermint Patty and Marcie decided to do what the Queen commanded.

Peppermint Patty and Marcie [sadly]: Yes... your highness.

Lucy: Good. We understand one another. Now GO!

The two girls leave as Queen Lucy cackle with glee.

Outside the throne room, Frieda meet Peppermint Patty and Marcie out in the hallway and sadly understand that there's nothing any of them can do until the King return but hope that the latter's , namely Peppermint Patty and Marcie, find a way out of their situation.

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