I didn't care if they could hear me, I just needed a few minutes. I closed my eyes and stopped crying. I slowly sink into the water, I needed to be completely numb.

The water covered every inch of me. The flames were burnt out as I laid there.

"Come on love..."

"This is for your own good."

Every moment spent with that thing destroyed a part of me. I'm still not whole, I know I never will be.

"You deserve what you get."

"Boys take her."

My claws digging into their bodies as I try to pry them off of me. My screams and yelling not being heard by anyone other than those monsters.

Them using me and then just leaving me to die. That boy, Jeffery coming to help me. I don't remember much of him but he got me out of that place.

"Jeffery, you shouldn't be here."

"It's alright, you're okay."

He sits behind me, his arms gently pull me up to lean on him. He bites into his wrist and I shake my head.

"I can't..."

"You can, go ahead."

I glance up at him before slowly taking his wrist. I keep my eyes on him as I bite into his wrist.

I am pulled out of the water, I try to get out of their arms as I struggle to move. My breathing staggers until I finally realize where I am.

"What the hell is going on."

I turn around to see Pam standing there, she throws me a towel.

"She's covered."

Bill comes in and I step back, I glance at Eric who was watching from the doorway. I look back at Pam as I catch my breathe.

"Why are you guys in here."


I look at the man in question.

"Bill what...."

"I felt you were in danger, you were drowning."

I look back at the tub before laughing, I look back at the two concerned vampires and Eric.

"I was numb, I was finally able to think and when I did it lead me down a path I thought I left behind. I wasn't in danger, I was living the most scariest moments of my life with you bloodsuckers."

I walk past them and knock on my sisters door, she slowly opens it.

"Deal with your boyfriend."

She looks at him, I turn around and slam the door as they leave. Pam came in not ten minutes later and handed me some clothing.

"Put these on."

"Thank you."

I take the leather clothing from her, it was nice but maybe too vampiric for me.

"I'm just gonna dry out my hair and be on my way."

"You're not going anywhere. Eric and your sisters boyfriend aren't nearly done talking just yet."

"You mean Bill's trail."

"That's for the boys to figure out."

I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes the pale yellow instead of the bright sun yellow it was earlier.

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