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Yasmin's Pov


Sooooo what are you gonna sing?


A song


never would have guessed 😶


That's because you're a dumb ass 🤭🥰




After kindly leaving hunter on read I start to look for an outfit. I settle for a black suit with a cream jacket and some black and clear heels. I turn on the radio whilst putting my makeup on and hum along to it a bit, I didn't put on much makeup just my normal natural look with some glittery eyeshadow.

About an hour later I get in the car and drive to the venue. I made sure to arrive early so I could set up. I get my stuff out of the car and go inside. "Can I help you?" A raspy feminine voice asks from behind me. I turn around. 


"Hiya, I'm Yasmin, the entertainment for today!" I say with a smile. "Right, of course, follow me," she says. She takes me over to a red-carpeted stage thing in the right corner of the room, opposite the bar. "Do you need help setting up?" She asks. 

"It should be fine," I say with another smile. "I'm Scarlett by the way!" She says with the most adorable smile. "I- I know," I say sheepishly. FUCK. why would I say that? "Uhh, would you mind if I sang this song later?" I ask showing Scarlett the lyrics. 

"I think I know that song! Sing it for me please" She says.  I mentally curse hunter and say "You met up with Veronica late last night, you had a bit of Elena on the side, was chattin' up Anita all last week and now you're doin' Nina, how'd you even meet her? hittin' on Bianca, are you dumb? got with Alexandra and her mum" I sing and she just stands there looking at me.

"It, umm, will sound better after my vocal warm-ups and with some accompaniment," I say quickly. "It's you isn't it?" She asks. I look at her confused and she elaborates "You're the actual artist that made the song!" She exclaims. 

"I rub the back of my neck, embarrassed. "yeah..." I say quietly. "I just met my most streamed artist, my life is complete!" she says dramatically, one hand on her forehead and the other on her heart. I feel my cheeks tinge pink. 

"YAZZIE!!!!" I hear hunter yell from the hall so I do a mall spin on my heel and turn to face him. "Sup," I say with a chad face. Hurter laughs and gives me a hug. 


The party started about an hour ago and everyone stood around talking and slow dancing to the piano music,  with glasses of champagne.  "Boo!" I hear Hunter say from behind me. "Bees!" I say with a smirk. "child." he mutters. "Oh hush it, anyways why am I here for entertainment everyone seems pretty entertained already," I say. 

"Your time to shine is after food," he says. "Oh okay!" I say. "would you happen to have a hair tie on you by any chance?" I ask. My brunette hair reaches just above my lower back but it was beginning to annoy me. 

"Why would I have one?" He asks. "True," I say. "I- uhh, I have one," Scarlett says walking over, her raspy voice leaving shivers down my spine. "Here," she says taking it out of her bag. 

"May I have this dance?" Scarlett asks chivalrously, once I had pulled my hair back. "Sure," I say and we dance until the food comes out

Thanks for reading<3

Have a nice day/ night


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