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Late at night, everyone’s blood vessels are full of alcohol and now the party’s just a bunch of drunks dancing.
But in the end everyone is dragged into playing all sorts of strange drinking games. First we play cards, then truth or dare, and now, for game three, the loser has to drink.
I guess I’ll have to suffer in this round too. Because now, my stomach is in a state of confusion.
I've never.
"I’ve never broken a leg before."
"I did it!"
"Oh, shit!" The sound of the drink can be heard one after another. We were playing the game clockwise. A person uses "I never..." to say something they’ve never done before. If someone has done that, they have to take the entire glass. This game is really frustrating, especially when it comes to telling the truth but after drinking it is even more interesting.
"I never peed on the bed."
"I pissed!" Shit, everybody’s drinking, aren’t you human?
How come you never peed on a bed?"
"I’ve never had more than 10 girlfriends."
"I will never!" Many people, including Third, raised their glasses, while me, Too, Bone and P'An were sitting in the chair smiling satisfied.
Don’t make me count how many women I’ve had. I can’t really remember. But it was as if my past had been a shadow hanging over Third and me, and the interest in the little man’s eyes suddenly disappeared, leaving only a faint smile, and I wanted to embrace him and comfort him.
Well, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.
"Then I never got an A."
"I never." Another group of people raised their glasses at the same time, except.... I...
"Oh, Kai, it’s not enough that you have Ringworm, even your brain doesn’t work either, but it’s okay, don’t cry! Ha ha ha ha". Son of a bitch, don’t move, you gotta stab me, P'Cent, big bear.
I really hate myself for being born stupid.
This time it’s Bone’s turn, with his eyes all around us. It is good to make more people drink, but it is more important to unearth the secrets of those present.
"I never.... I never liked my best friend".
"I liked it". It was Third’s voice. He lifted his glass and drank it.
Then he put the glass back on the table. Suddenly, everything was quiet. After a while, Bone said:
"Kai, do you want to drink now or do you want to add ice?"
"Oh, I liked it." With that, I took the gulp out of my glass. My friends' eyes looked a little incredulous. There were only four of us in the group, and we were all good friends. But only two took the drink, and I’m afraid no fool would want to think I like Bone, right?
Then it was Third’s turn, and everyone expected him to make the move.
"I’ve never failed a test."
"Third, you’re a heartless!!!!!" They were all drinking he won alone.
The more it happened, the less exciting it got, so someone suggested changing the game. The group of drunks quickly agreed, and the rule was added that no one could leave the game before it ended.
The game is played in such a way that a person can name an object, place or word related to the other players, and if you manage to answer it, you will pass. The rest of the players are forced to drink.
The first person to start playing is P'An.
"Leica M"
"Right!" Yeah! It was my turn to be smart, and I started smiling watching a group of people drink alcohol. Leica M is an old camera that Too likes a lot, but he doesn’t take it out much, because it’s more collectible, but I wonder how P'An knows, he must be snooping around us again.
"Mike, you were wrong. Hit your forehead on the table three times."
"Why are you so cruel?"
"Don’t give me that shit!"
banging on the table was heard three times, we laughed as we clapped, and enjoyed when his forehead gradually turned red. The game wasn’t over yet, and they kept asking questions in turns.
"Okay!" Damn, you’re pouring dirty water on me again. It’s Bone’s favorite porn. I don’t know anything. Which sister Mikami?
What sister Mayoko? I don’t know any of them. Why That you framed little Kai like that?
To get back at him, I decided to punish the major who answered my name to swim around the pool. It was fun.
This time it’s my turn.
"2010’s Flipped"
"P'Cent"? Or Beam?"
"Metee, he likes these romantic things."
"An, do you?"
"Three wrong answers, it’s Third."
"Ohhhh!" How many people know what Third likes and doesn’t like as well as I do? Not even Bone or Too know everything about him, but to me, everything that has to do with him... is something important to remember with all my heart.
The three drunks who answered incorrectly were punished by me to do 20 rounds of elephants. One of them fell directly into the pool and then swam with difficulty to keep playing. Now it’s Too’s turn.
"His girlfriend is the junior in the science department".
"Tong". I answered with confidence.
"She’s Mike’s girlfriend".
"Right! It’s the science department, not the department of medicine. I’m so fucking stupid". Another arrow in the knee. After all the people I’ve messed with, I’m pretty sure I’m in trouble this time.
"Ah, just say what you want me to do." I’m not afraid to keep drinking all night. This little punishment won’t hurt.
"Just give Bone a kiss".
"Fuck!" What a mean shit! The man whose name was called was willing to stand up and kiss me. Many people are watching us. I will not survive but kiss. I had no choice but to take a deep breath, lean towards him and kiss him hard. If you want a kiss, then I’ll kiss you enough.
"Idiot, I told you to kiss Bone!" I know, but Third is right next to Bone. I couldn’t help kissing him when I saw him.
The little man looked at me with big, round eyes, and I couldn’t stop laughing at him. Why is he so handsome when he’s angry?
"Oh, I forgot. What should I do?"
"How ingenious" is what it is.
"I’m sorry, I can’t see clearly."
"What’s wrong with your eyes?"
"Sorry, Third, I’m too drunk ~ ~ ~ ~ I can’t ~ ~"
"Go for 20 turns of elephant, you’re so annoying."
We’re playing the game. This time it’s Bone’s turn again.
He looked at me and then asked me the question:
"Someone Kai likes."
"Matmi". exclaimed P'An. You think you know many of my secrets, but I’m sorry, Matmi isn’t even a close answer, because I’m over it.
"The protagonist of the play, N'Pink."
"Prapang. "
"No, you guessed wrong three times."
"Wait a minute, I’ll answer another one, Faa."
"No, is there anyone else to answer?"
"I will answer." P'Cent asked to give an answer.
"Okay, do it."
Bone kept silent and gave no answer, causing the group of people to keep looking at me and Third. So is it time for me to say?
"Oh, yeah, I like Third".
"So I will fight anyone who bothers me."

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