Mama I have no interest in her; she's behind me, and I feel bad turning her down. What am I supposed to do? Rafi said.

What are you doing, rather than faking it all? Just because you don't want to hurt her, you are making out with her. Are you mad or what? Doing this is going to hurt her more. Fifi snapped at him.

"Mom, have you forgotten what she has done with Faraaz?" "She manipulated me to bully him; she's not so innocent," Rafi replied.

And you got manipulated by her and bullied your own brother? "Do you want me to believe this bullshit?" Zulfi asked.

"You know what hurts Faraaz: that his own elder brother was doing this, the one who was supposed to protect him," Zulfi said.

Rafi said, "Mom, let's end this discussion, or we are going to end up in a fight."

"Baby, don't be like your father; start taking responsibility for your wrongdoing; you just cannot ignore what you have done; you need to face the consequences because you deserve that, and you are not always correct," Zulfi said.

Rafi just stayed quiet and continued to drive. "I don't want you to be like your father," Zulfi said.

"Mother now I'm getting offended by you, enough! I can't hear this about my father; he is a kind and goodhearted person; can't you see what he has done for KGF—he has sacrificed alot," Rafi said.

All this year he has just sacrificed me, nothing else, zulfi replied. 

I'm taking you to the doctor; you don't seem fine. Rafi said as he quickly drove the car, "Mom, are you okay?" Can you hear me? Rafi asked as he shook Zulfi, who had fainted.

Oh god no! Rafi drove faster to the nearest hospital. He quickly parked his car, rushed out of his driver's seat, and hurried towards Fifi, picking her up in his arm and saying, "Mama!" Wake up, Rafi Said, and rush inside the hospital.

Are you with the woman who fainted? A doctor asked Rafi, and Rafi immediately stood up and replied, "Yes, I'm with her." "Is she okay?"

"What's your relationship with her?" the doctor asked. "That's my mother," Rafi replied. Alright, where is your father? Doctor asked.

He's in another town. I haven't informed him yet. Is it something serious? Do I need to call him? Rafi asked.

What's your age, son? Doctor asked. "I'm 19 years old," Rafi replied. Nice I'm Dr. Sarika; there's my cabin around the corner. Wait for me over there; I'll see you in a bit. If you want to call your family, then do it. And your mother is fine; don't worry. Dr. Sarika said and squeezed his shoulder.

Rafi nodded, went to her cabin, and contacted Reena. "Do you need anything?" Sarika asked.

Um, no, I'm fine, thank you. Rafi replied and kept his phone aside. Alright, are you still studying? Sarika asked. Yes, I'm completing my studies in Istanbul.

That's great! I've heard Istanbul is a very good city. Sarika said, "Doctor, I really appreciate that you are trying to calm the environment, but trust me, it's not helping." What happened to my mother? Rafi asked.

Well, I at least tried, and you young people are very straightforward. Sarika laughed. Alright, do you know that your mother is expecting? Sarika asked.

Sorry, what? Rafi asked, shocked. Oh, you didn't know about this, Sarika said and rubbed her forehead; will you come again? Rafi asked.

Your mother is pregnant. She's two months pregnant.Here, drink this. Dr. Sarika handed him a glass of water. Rafi nodded, took the glass, and sipped. "It's okay, calm down—this is normal," Dr. Sarika said and rubbed his back.

Did you inform your father? Dr. Sarika asked, and Rafi shook his head and kept the glass on the table. Have you checked it? Are you sure? Maybe there was some kind of misunderstanding about what Rafi said?

"I understand you are in denial, but you need to accept it," Dr. Sarika said. "But why are we three siblings?" "We don't need any more," Rafi said.

Rafi, you are a grownup now; you shouldn't ask questions like this. "This was your parents' decision, and you cannot question them; it's their life," Dr. Sarika said.

I just can't accept it; it's a lot; oh my god, what am I going to do now? Rafi said. You don't have to do anything but be supportive toward your parents, Dr. Sarika said.

You don't get how embarrassing this is. Rafi replied. If your parents want to have another baby, they can, and you don't have to be embarrassed. "If you are embarrassed, then your parents should regret that they decided to have you," Dr. Sarika said.

What are you saying? Rafi snapped. Calm down, Rafi. I'm stating what's true; you need to accept it and please support your parents. Dr. Sarika said Rafi just huffed. "I get it. It's very hard for you. But be mature in this moment and accept the fact that you and your siblings are studying abroad. It's just your parents here. "If they decide to have another child, that's a great thing." Sarika said.

Does Dad know about this? Rafi asked. No Zulfi gave him a one-word reply; can I ask why? I think he has a right to know about what Rafic said.

"Let's be honest; I know that you know that your father and I are not on good terms," Zulfi said. I can see what Rafi said.

Yes, and in this moment, I don't want your father to be with me just because he had to. I don't want to bind him into something zulfi said. 

Rafi asked, "What makes you think that dad does not want to stay with you?" "You are not thinking straight," Rafi said. "You have to tell him about this."

Are you blind? Can't you see what's going on? How can you just ignore everything? Zulfi snapped.

I can't see what's wrong. What is the problem between you two? If she's cheating on you, no! Is he hitting you? No, is he abusing you? No, is he not treating your family well? No, when there's nothing, what the f*ck is the problem? Rafi asked.

Look, I'm not going to give you any explanation; if you just can't see how your father treats me, then I can't display it, and now there's a woman. Divya Zulfi yelled.

Oh, so he can't have female friends? You have your uncle Ares as your best friend; he can't have Divya. What kind of hypocrisy is this? Rafi asked.

Oh my god, my love, you are really innocent for this world. Can't you see what Divya is doing? She isn't his friend. That woman came to our home and challenged me, saying she was going to marry your father. She has belittled me so much. She gifted your father a bracelet that had her name engraved on it, and your father wore it! Zulfi yelled.

What ? Why didn't you say anything earlier? That whore, how dare she? Does she really think she'll be Mrs. Bhairya? I'll wake her from this daydream and send her to hell. Rafi said he hit his palms on the steering wheel,

"Calm down; don't lose your mind," Zulfi said. I'm not going to calm down, mama. Rafi said and continued to drive.

Does Dad know about this? Rafi asked. Zulfi looked at him and understood how angry he was. She couldn't tell him the truth that Rocky knew; she just shook her head. "Mom, trust me; dad would never cheat on you." I've seen how loyal he is. He never entertained that bitch. "And he has always maintained his distance." Rafi said.

"I know that; I'm 100% sure he would never do it, but there are some things your father needs to change about him, and I would request that you stay out of it and let us deal with it," Zulfi said. 

But tell him about this; he deserves to know, Rafi said. I'll tell him once we are done with Adrianna's wedding zulfi replied.

Poor uncle Ares Rafi said. 


Rocky , Fifi and the Family. PS: always and forever ♾️.        {KGF}Where stories live. Discover now