These things were usually as boring as hell.

My gaze strayed to Jeon Jungkook.

Maybe this one wouldn't be as boring as usual.

At least the scenery was nice.

Jungkook was an average looking man with short strawberry blond hair and a slim build.

I'm pretty sure I saw a smattering of freckles across his nose.

It wasn't until I saw the green doe eyes he hid behind his glasses that I truly realized there was something more to him.

I was fascinated by those eyes.

They weren't deep emerald green but more of a light sea green color.

I had an urge to take off his glasses and just stare into his eyes, I imagined I could do it for hours.

Of course, that could never happen.

He was one of my employees and I had a very firm rule about becoming involved with anyone in my workplace.

It created issues I'd much rather avoid.

I was a bit concerned with how slim Jungkook seemed to be.

He wasn't tall.

I hadn't gotten close enough to him to be sure but I think he stood at least six inches shorter than me.

Even then, a man of his height shouldn't be so skinny.

Maybe it was an image thing for him, I knew some men preferred to be on the thin side.

I had never understood it as a healthy body was a happy body.

Still, it was none of my business.

As long as he did his job to the best of his ability, he could be as skinny as he wanted to and there was nothing I could say about it.


I glanced up and then realized everyone was looking at me.

"Sorry about that, I was making a list in my head of questions I wanted to ask after your presentation. Please continue."

I knew my cheeks weren't flushed with embarrassment at getting caught staring off into space because I had learned to control that response years ago.

My emotions were very rarely shown on my face.

It was bad for business.

When the meeting drew to an end, I had to quickly come up with a list of questions to ask the marketing director.

Luckily, I could compartmentalize things and was easily able to do that.

I felt good about what we had accomplished in the meeting by the time it was over.

I saw Jungkook gathering up his stuff as I did the same.

I wanted to ask him more about the conversation I had over heard but that didn't seem right.

It had been a personal phone call after all.

I had no business butting in.

Still, I couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong.

I just couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

Hopefully, Ari would have some thing for me by the time I got back to my office.

I waited until Jungkook left the conference room and then grabbed my stuff and walked out after him.

I smirked when I glanced down.

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