I hate Dreaming.

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Summary: Jace has a odd ass dream. Does it shed some light on why he is in this world? Does it give more questions. Or is it just him being paranoid?

I often liked sleeping. It gave an escapism. A chance to rest. A chance to get away from mundane things. But sometimes it brought more harm then good. Sometimes it brought Nightmares instead of dreams. It brought Fear and anguish. And sometimes....they were just plain fucking weird that left you with more questions then answers. 

     This? This was.....one of those very questioning times. I was standing in front of a beautiful field. Except the grass was this glowing light blue. The sky black with millions of stars. Tree's Looked that of fantasy. The Bark a deep dark blue like that of black almost. The leaves the color of the grass. And in the middle was a clear pond. A single place of White Lily's. Or at least flowers that looked like white Lily's. I walked towards the flowers. A Bench appeared next to the spot. The flowers now growing around it. I sat upon the bench that seemed to be made of gold and silver. I was at peace. It was a very beautiful spot. But felt so lonely. It was a loneliness that grabbed a hold of your heart. Making you feel a melancholy feeling of sorts. A figure sat beside me soon enough. 

"Such a nice place. Is it not?" Asked the stranger beside me. 

They wore a garb of clothes that looked like that of a traveler from old times, the colors of their fabrics being that almost like the colors of my hoodie with a spalash of red in it, while upon their face was a mask of white with a crown that went around the hood they wore to keep that in place. The mask itself was plain. Smooth and only two black eye holes. 

"Yeah. I guess it is. Lonely though." I say. Looking once more at the water. 

"Heh. That is what I thought when I first came here. Then again...It's odd. For what this place is."

"And that is?" I asked. Raising a eyebrow. 

"A place for the many and yet we the rarest of them can actually be here. In this place. This sanctuary of Peace." 

"You lost me there. Lemme guess. You are gonna be a vague son of a gun. Ain't ya?" I was getting the feeling this was not a normal dream. At least not like what I have had in the past. 

"Heh. Yes yes. You are a lot like me in many ways. Which is to be expected. But we are also so different. You and I." 

"You say that like I know you? Or that you know me?"

"In a way I do. And in a way you as well know me."

The strange man was right. He....felt familiar to me. But not in the normal sense. 

"Did you bring me to this world? Where I am literally in a kids show."

"Not really. Honestly you weren't meant to be in that old world anyways. Sort of a mix up that is now corrected. But this works in your favor in some aspects. And makes things that much more interesting in my point of view."

"Wait, what? What do you mean I wasn't meant to be in my old world?" I ask. I had so many questions but that is the one that popped out of my mouth at the time being. 

"It is what I said. That world was not the one you were meant to be born into. But it's okay. The universe is slowly fixing things. All answers will come in due time."

The stranger says. I could feel him looking at me. This nagging feeling to look back at him made my brain itch. And it was becoming bothersome to ignore. And so I looked back. What I did not expect is how close to my face he was at the moment. Making me fall off the bench and him laugh. 

"Man! This is such a odd experience! And a fun one at that!" He says wiping away an imaginary tear. This man is getting on my nerves. I sat up and dusted any dirt off of me. 

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