Damage fees and nostalgia

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 My heart started hammering at the familiar face. I had seen this boy somewhere, his face was buried somewhere in my memories. However, I couldn't recall his name. 

"Nee-San?!" The boy stood up and rushed to hug me. I hugged him back, my arms trembling at the touch that once must have been the norm for me. When he finally pulled back, I got a proper look at him. He had white hair with uneven bangs and ragged blue clothes. 

My breath almost stopped at his eyes. They were a distinctive yellow and purple, two colors mixed in together, and they showed every emotion like he was a read book. They looked like a reflection of anychild's eyes. I vaugely remembered looking into eyes like these when I was young, not in Russia or probably in Japan.

"Can you tell me when and where we met?" 

"Oh! We met when we were 10 at the orphanage. I was being punished and you were in a cell with me". I squinted and tried to bring back any memory from before I joined the Mafia. 

'Nothing..what happened to those memory files?" I thought to myself, "Rin probably got them mixed up with his p*rn files...wait we were both ten?!"

"Wait we're the same age right? Then why do you call me Nee-San?"

"Well...you insisted on taking care of me so I started calling you that and you never seemed to protest". Atsushi Kun said shyly. 

"Huh..." I let my words trail 

"Yami-Chwannn help me get up! This ugly little slug is bullying me!" I took a peek at Dazai from the corner of my eye. Next to him, there was a girl. She looked around 16 years old with long dark brown hair and hazel colored eyes. From what it looked like, she wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Get up by yourself, I know you can do it better than anyone".

"Osamu-Kun, stop being pathetic". Both the girl and I said at the same time. I stared at her and she stared at me

"I'll help!" Atsushi ran over and pulled Dazai upright by his arm. Instead of a thank you, Dazai decided to be an absolute asshole and scowled at Atsushi.

"Are you the one that interrupted my submersion with Yami-Chan?" Dazai stared at Atsushi with disdain.


"You don't get it? I was trying to have a romantic double suicide with my girlfrien-" Before he could even finish the sentence, I grabbed him by his collar and threw him back into the lake casually.

"That was so cool". The girl said, her eyes sparkling. I smiled sheepishly back at her.

"Don't save him this time, he'll come crawling back soon. Anyways, what happened to you?"

"Uh..my orphanage kicked me out. I don't really have anywhere to go...or anything to eat. Can I steal your wallet?" He asked meekly. I internally facepalmed myself at the question.

"Little hero, you might not want to tell people you're going to steal. Especially the person you're trying to rob". The girl said. 

"Say, have we met somewhere?" I asked her. I felt that I had seen her somewhere, the memories not as deep as the one's from Atsushi Kun's, but I still couldn't put a finger on her name. So much nostalgia factors today.

"I don't think so. I'm Mori Himari by the way". I could tell that she said her last name with gritted teeth, as if she didn't want it.

"Mori? Are you by any chance related to-"

"Yes, I am. I know who you're talking about. He is my father...if you can even call him that". She muttered bitterly. I didn't remember the Mafia boss having a daughter. All I remembered was Elise and this one little girl he asked Dazai and I to take on missions together. Later, Mori San said that the little girl died so that couldn't be her.

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