chapter 9. hope and despair

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*in mind world*

y/n is watching everything, through the body's eyes. he saw his friend turn against despair, with human and their allies. he tries to take over the body but failed everytime. y/n didn't notice that despair is raising Mjölnir behind him, until he sense the thunder behind. he quickly dodge that.

y/n: that was close......what are you doing, despair!?

despair: you know, I once thought you're a interesting man to talk with, but now you're just dead weight to me. so what I'm doing, is throwing the garbage away. king think that he can actually seal me by putting a child's soul inside me. hilarious by the way.

despair swings mjölnir while eating an apple. he smiles, throwing away the apple.

despair: so don't move. it's not gonna be hurt. and we're just gonna do this once~

*in reality*
irys stand against despair, flying on the ground.

irys: I won't let you go away.

suisei: be careful, don't let her sing a single word.

despair: I know, I know

he swings the mjölnir and fly towards her. irys do a deep breath, put the mic in front of her mouth.

irys: *start singing* dark-

despair summons a lightning to strike her, causing her to land on the ground.

irys: hey! that's so impolite!

despair: do I look like I care?

despair throw the hammer towards irys, it hits her chest, she move it away and charge towards despair, but he summons back the hammer while it hit irys' head's back.

despair: *laughing* dumbass!

he got the hammer back in his hand and hit irys again. he then grab her armor and lift her up.

despair: you think peace can really do something? give up! humans won't change, and you? you don't remember anything back then? you think you can escape the past? nah, you're still a destroyer, like me.

irys: I didn't want this......past, keep following me. not anymore. I let it go. everything in the past.

despair: we don't change. we never does.

irys suddenly release a wind magic, causing despair to blow away. she put the mic in front of her mouth again.

irys: *start singing*mdarkness will fade away, light will guide your way, hope has descended and you are not alone~

despair: well, fuck.

he teleport himself away, while watching a big explosion happen right where he was laying.

despair: I see why y/n found you, even this......lesser version of you. you're still the second best god alive.

irys move her fingers, a tree behind despair starts to fall down.

despair: clever!

he use mjölnir to break the tree.

despair: clever won't beat me.

they both stand up, start fighting again.


hope and despair. the most famous killer in the god world. they helped god to do many dirty works before, hope will disguise as a singer, sing to the target and get their attention. and despair will get them from the back. this way is a classic move, but it works every time. but one day, they both got a mission that is to assassinate the king of Gods, and that, was their last mission. they are discovered. despair was left, without help, and he even tries to get hope escape. he succeeded, but it's time for him to pay the cost. he was captured, tortured, and eventually, his body is fully destroyed. the king then put his soul into a young human's body which was found in the human world. the soul was inside the child. but the child's soul takes control of it. With that, despair was sealed, being forced to watch the child's happy life, sad life and becoming the god of "peace".

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