chapter 2. hope

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hiiii it's a/n, since I think the writing style is a bit hard to read, so I think will try changing it! enjoy!

y/n yelled, as a window on top opened, a girl with dark red hair put half of her body out of the window, pouted.


y/n: I thought you like that?

irys fly down to the ground, did an eye roll. her wings disappeared when she fully touch the ground.

irys: what do you want from me?

y/n: I need you to come with me, we are going to the human world, and we will convince the human to stop their war with us.

irys: nah I'm not going there, I won't go to the human world. I still can't believe kors is dead, but that also means that they are able to kill gods now. I still remember the last time I went there, people are mean to each other, they are dying, their heart is broken, their soul is no longer there. there's no hope to stop this war.

y/n: there's is always hope. with our power, we can stop the war. nobody has to die.

irys: you still don't get it... the war will happen no matter what, this is the nature of human-

y/n: that doesn't mean that they can't change. we will show them that violence is not the only answer.


irys went back inside the house and shut the door. y/n stood there, blinking.

y/n: I.... didn't never thought it's gonna be like that.

moona: kors' death must have traumatized her. she is very close with lors.

y/n: *sigh* I wish kors was alive...

irys open the door slowly.

irys: I thought about that, I can help you to convince the humans, but instead, you need to help me to do one thing.

irys: help me to steal the soul of kors from calli, and bring him back to me.

y/n: know that's against the law, right?

irys: what do I have to live for, i don't know what to do without him, so I'll have my answer, you'll have your peace. but at the end...

irys: that depends on you, think about it, the world's important, or the obedience to the law.

y/n: kors wouldn't want you to be like that, and I still have one more thing for convincing you.

y/n: remember who's the one paying the rent of this house?

irys: !

y/n: if you don't want to lose this comfortable house, join me on the trip, I'm sure you will find your answer during it.

irys: .....fine, I'll gather my things

y/n: good, we'll meet in 1 pm, see you thereeee

moona drags y/n, causing him to follow her.

moona: .....I don't like that woman.

y/n: we need her, no matter what. we will descend hope to the human, like a god.

moona: next stop is to find tyr.

y/n: why are we going to find tyr?

Moona: he is the god of war, he have every detail of the wars that happened. if we need to find a way to stop that way, he will be the best helper.

y/n: I guess you're right.... to the god of war then!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------a/n: another chapter is finished! thanks for reading it, this is a short chapter, I know. please, tell me what you think about the new writing style! see you in the next chapter!

next chapter. there's the god of war...?

story once be told among the stars (Part 1: world war)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz