S I X T Y - F O U R

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"We are trusting you with a great deal of information, Aemma," Alicent spoke. "We know you won't break our confidence." 

Aemma remained silent, looking to Aegon. He looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer. 

"Swear fealty to King Aegon, Princess." Grand Maester Orwyle said. 

"She will do no such thing." Aegon snapped. 

"If she does not swear to you, then who is she sworn to? Her mother? Forgive me Your Grace, but how do we know the Princess will not send word to her mother of our plans?" Tyland questioned. "There are already whispers that she is a Black, let this be a formality."

"Aemma is loyal to her family, as I am to mine," Aemond spoke. "Rhaenyra is our sister."

"Rhaenyra would have had you all killed once she took the throne." Ser Criston scoffed. "She is no rightful ruler."

"Was Maegor the Cruel a rightful ruler?" Aemma questioned. "He was, because he was the heir. My mother was the heir, therefore the rightful ruler."

"Princess, what are you suggesting?" Tyland wondered if Aemma was going to declare for her mother there and then.

"That my mother should have been crowned in front of the masses, not him." Aemma jabbed her thumb toward Aegon, who looked at her with a mix of hurt and betrayal. "But he was, and my mother resides on Dragonstone, waging a war. Aemond killed Luke, they killed Jaehaerys; the war should have ended then and there, but instead, she ordered the Blackwoods to march, pillaging villages and slaughtering unprepared enemies." 

"Aemma, what are you doing?" Aegon asked.

"I want peace." Aemma turned to face Aegon. "I want my family safe. I will serve you in this war, I will swear fealty and drop to my knees in front of you if you wish, but you must swear something to me in return." 

Aegon looked up at Aemma, knowing he would enjoy the sight of her on her knees in front of him, and weighed his options. 

"What do you demand of me?" He asked.

"She cannot demand things of the King," Tyland muttered under his breath. 

"What was that?" Aemond asked. "I apologize Ser, I did not hear you." Aemond tilted his head and smirked as Tyland fumbled over his words. Aemond did not want Aemma to swear fealty any more than she did, but they both knew it was for the sake of their family, no matter how undeserving they were.

"Aemma is family; by marriage and blood. She may demand whatever she wants." Aegon turned back to Aemma. "What do you want?"

"Swear to me my family will not be harmed." Aemma bit the inside of her cheek. "My mother, my brothers, cousins, and grandparents."  Aemma paused. "Daemon as well." 

"Daemon would rather kill us all before he bends the knee. He shows others no mercy, what makes you think he would beg for it?" Otto asks. "This is not my dislike for the Prince speaking; it is my concern for you."

Aemma paused, remembering the way he could barely look at her as he held little Visenya. 

"He would kill all of us, we all know it." Otto urged. 

"I want him unharmed." Aemma was firm in her stance.

"If he attacks first, I will not be accountable." Aegon pressed his lips into a thin line. "You want your mother unharmed after she had my son killed? You watched it yourself."

"And I cut the man's head off for it." Aemma defended herself. "Aemond killed Luke and nearly killed me, yet he is sitting there completely free." 

Aemond stiffened at Aemma's words, glancing at his mother who frowned at him. 

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