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Aemma sat in her chambers facing the small fireplace that warmed the room. The flames cast shadows all around the room. Aemma wondered if Harwin died quick. Fire was powerful, but it was painful. Aemma leaned closer to the flames as they began to heat her face, almost painfully slow. As she stared into the abyss of orange and red, she felt her vision begin to fade in and out.

Meat crackling like when it was pulled fresh from a fire. Someone began to wail, an almost animalistic noise, filled with such grief and strife. Another voice joined soon after.
"No! No, no, no!" The voice wailed. "My son!"

Aemma pushed herself back, scrambling backwards away from the fire on her hands. Was this the past, when Harwin burned alive? Or is this the future that awaited. Aemma's chest heaved as she feared for what was to come.

Aemma wanted Luke more than anything now as she wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt. She shivered even though she was sweating as anxiety ripped through her. She curled her knees to her chest as she rocked back and forth on the floor, trying to calm herself. Eventually, her breathing evened out again and she found the courage to stand. Aemma found her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders, fumbling with the pin slightly as she clasped it together.
"Perhaps some fresh air will help." She murmured to herself as she opened the door to her chambers.

Aemond stood at the door with his fist ready to knock, when Aemma opened the door. She let out a gasp and jumped back with her hands swatting in front of her. 

"Aemond! You scared me." Aemma said as she placed her hand on her chest. Aemond let out a small laugh.

"It was not my intention. Where are you going?" He asked, looking pointedly at her cloak. 

"I... saw something. I wish to clear my head with some fresh air." Aemma said as she tried to push the image out of her mind. 

"Ah." Aemond said. He knew that Aemma and Halaena were alike in what they saw, but he did not believe in dragon dreams. He simply thought that they had bad dreams and tried to make them reality, but he did not want Aemma to feel badly about herself because of them. 

"What did you see?" He asked softly. 

"I would prefer not to speak about it. If you will excuse me." Aemma shut her door behind her and tried to step around Aemond, who simply grabbed her arm and held her in place.

"Wait." He said. Aemma's eyes flicked to his arm wrapped around her arm. "Can I come with you?" He asked. Aemma thought about whether or not she truly wanted company but knew Aemond always made her feel better. 

"Okay. I suggest you grab a cloak though; it is rather chilly in the night." Aemma said. 

"Very well. Although I do not wish to walk all the way back to my chambers. Would you happen to have a spare?" Aemond asked. 

"I will check. Wait here." Aemma said as Aemond ignored her and followed her into her room.

As Aemma searched for a cloak for Aemond, he let his eyes wander around the room. It was simple, if not rather small. But there was a bed and a fireplace, what more could be asked for. He followed Aemma to the trunk that sat at the foot of the bed as she rummaged through it.

"Found it!" Aemma turned to Aemond with a bright smile as she held up a dark blue cloak with a pale blue seahorse stitched on the back. Aemond grimaced at the cloak, he personally favoured the black one Aemma was wearing.

"I believe that suits a Velaryon more than a Targaryen." Aemond said as he reached forward and unclasped Aemma's cloak as he removed it from her shoulders. 

"Well, I believe I was wearing that!" She reached for the cloak, but Aemond swatted her hands away as he fastened it around his neck. He smiled as he saw her mood clearly improve from what it was just a few hours ago.

"You're an ass." Aemma rolled her eyes. 

"And you are beautiful." Aemond reached forward and grabbed the cloak of Velaryon colours before Aemma could respond. He wrapped it around Aemma's shoulders and fastened it. A hot blush crept up his neck as his fingers brushed her delicate skin. He quickly pulled his hands away as Aemma furrowed her brows. 

"You're rather odd sometimes. Shall we go?" Aemma asked, forgetting about the brief moment they had shared. Aemond nodded as he held his arm out for her to take. Aemma smacked his arm down and continued out of the room as Aemond trailed behind her, trying to hide his disappointment.

"I can walk myself, thank you very much." She said without turning her head, for fear of Aemond seeing the redness of her face as she blushed.

The couple walked silently through the halls, not a servant in sight. Aemma could feel Aemond's eyes burning on her face as he walked by her side. 

"What is it? Would you like to paint my portrait? Here, allow me to pose for you." Aemma stopped and placed her hands on her hips as angled her head to the right. Aemond said nothing.
"Oh, this pose does not seem to do me justice. Allow me to find another one." Aemma widened her stance and raised her arm in the air as if she was waving a sword in the air.
"I can't simply look at my betrothed? Hm, your hair looks beautiful in the moonlight." Aemond as he wrapped a strand around his finger as he examined it.

The moonlight from the window made it look ghostly white, a sight he most welcomed. Aemma looked otherworldly as her cheeks began to flush and she bit her bottom lip. She looked down and began to pick her nails as she felt her breathing quicken. What was this feeling that Aemond had stirred within her? Aemond dropped the strand of hair and reached out to cup Aemma's cheek, but she took a step back out of his grasp.

"I think we should go outside. It is rather hot in here, do you think?" Aemma said as she wiped away imaginary sweat from her brow. Aemond straightened his back and nodded, his lips pursed. He knew Aemma felt what he felt, why does she deny it so? Her mind often felt like a spiderweb; beautiful and holds much more than it will ever let on. He felt as if he was a fly trapped in her web as Aemma came to devour him, mind and soul, and he loved it. The thought of one day being able to fully understand what went on within her thrilled him. 

"Yes. Let us go." Aemond held out his arm again, and this time Aemma took it.

"Your Grace's. I am sorry but I cannot in goodwill allow you outside of the castle. The hour is late." The guard who stood posted at the door said, never breaking his stance. 

"This is Aemma Velaryon, of Driftmark. This island is her ancestral home. She may come and go as she pleases." A voice came from behind them. Aemma turned to see Prince Daemon Targaryen staring pointedly at the guard. 

"Forgive me, You Grace." The guard looked down as he stepped aside, allowing Aemma and Aemond to pass. Aemma turned to thank the Prince, but he was already walking away.

Aemma breathed in the fresh air as she stepped outside, releasing Aemond's arm. Aemond already missed her warm hand wrapped around his arm as it grew cold. 

"Do you think I will ever claim a dragon?" Aemond asked as they made their way towards the beach. 

"I think so. There are many unclaimed dragons. Laena rode Vhagar, but she is gone now. Do you think Vhagar is on Driftmark?" Aemma asked in return. 

"I think it is possible. Shall we look for her?" Aemond asked with a smile. Aemma nodded and they set off for the sandy hills in search of the old monstrous Vhagar.

A/N Ugh I just want to jump right into the action but I know need to build up the tension before Aemma and Aemond get all angsty. I hate these filler chapters I need Aemma to be older so I can write what I want to write😩

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