S I X T Y - F O U R

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"Aemma?" Mya cracked the door open, only to find Aemma sitting at the window, staring into the night.

"Yes?" Aemma asked without turning her head. 

"The small council requests your presence urgently," Mya said.

"Very well. Will you help me dress?" Aemma stood, smoothing out her nightgown, but Mya made no move to enter.

"They requested your presence immediately." Mya sounded apologetic. "Would you like a shawl?" Mya looked at Aemma's exposed arms.

"No need. Bring me a candle, please." Aemma asked as she smoothed back the stray hairs that had loosened from her braid. Mya returned quickly, handing Aemma the lit candle as she stepped into the dark hallway. It was extremely late, and nearly all the lanterns had been extinguished, the only light being emitted by the small flame Aemma held in front of her. 

It was a short walk to the small council chambers, mostly due to Aemma's quick pace. They would never meet at such an odd hour if nothing was amiss, much less request her presence. Aemma nodded to the Kingsguard that guarded the door, who opened the door and announced her presence.

"Princess Aemma Your Grace, my lords." He quickly shut the door behind him. Aemma looked around the room at the small council members, her eyes falling on her husband, who had a grim look on his face. 

"Has something happened?" Aemma asked, frowning as Otto pulled out the seat next to him.

"Sit." He was not asking, but he was not demanding her either. Aemma felt all eyes on her, and gooseflesh prickled her bare arms. She hesitated before taking her seat, glancing at Aegon, whose face was twisted into a sneer.

"The Brackens fled to Stone Hedge, where Daemon awaited them with Caraxes." Ser Tyland announced. 

"What happened?" Aemma asked, a pit filling her stomach.

"Stone Hedge has been destroyed, Lord Bracken was slain." Tyland frowned. 

"The Blacks have officially begun the war." Aegon declared. Aemma swallowed and looked to Aemond, who was watching Otto with a keen eye. "Stone Hedge is not so far from the Stone Mill. Perhaps you saw Daemon atop Caraxes before you left?" Otto questioned. Aemond perked up at his grandsire's subtle accusation, ready to defend Aemma at a moment's notice.

"No, I fled quickly after setting the field aflame." Aemma looked down, her guilt worsening. "If I stayed, those men would still be alive."

"No," Aegon spoke out. "If you had stayed, who knows what Daemon would have done to you." 

"Kill me? I do not fear death." Aemma shook her head. "What does this mean? Why am I here?"

"Your family wiped out our last ally in the Riverlands." Aegon stood. "You pleaded for peace; those pleas were ignored. They do not seem to understand words, so we will show them by action."

"Aegon," Aemond warned. He would not have Aemma be used as a weapon. 

"Say one more word and I will send you to The Wall." Aegon glared at his brother. "Daeron is to return from Oldtown on the morrow. Ravens and riders have been sent to all Houses, demanding fealty. Those who do not bend the knee will be met with fire and blood. My bannermen are gathering as we speak; before that fucking moon turns, we will march on the Riverlands."

Aemma's mouth hung open in shock at Aegon's words. Otto watched Aemma carefully, wondering which side she would choose. If Aemma chose the Blacks, she would be imprisoned within her chambers until she popped out an heir, then they would send her to the dungeons. If she chose the Greens, Otto planned to convince her to burn the River lords alongside Daeron, inspiring fear, and fealty to Aegon.

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