022 ➶ Rust and Stardust

Start from the beginning

"Ah." Evie felt for his hand. "Still being distant from friends?"

"Yearning for the Sinclair boy clearly and hiding it."

"She'll find her way back to them some more. Time will pass. Summer might be a nice change. I hope so." Evie leaned back to see the stars twinkle as they charged toward Hawkins. "As long as she doesn't shut them out all together."

"Not like she has a choice when I drop her at the arcade and kick her out of the car." Billy's lips lifted.

"Just being a supportive big brother, huh?"

"I'm learning." He turned off the freeway after some time. They fell into an easy silence for a few beats. Music soft from the radio.

"I told Susan. About us." Billy piped up, earning an awed look from Evie. "Frankly, I think she's known the whole time."

"My mom sometimes pushes the subject when she's around. Me seeing a boy." Evie cocked her head. "Why Susan?"

"Cause I realized I'm gonna need help with the whole rental tux thing for May." He laughed. "Plus, she found your horrible cat sweater in my laundry."

"I wondered where that went." Evie touched her lips. "Sorry."

"Whoever created that knit monster should apologize." Billy snickered when he got pushed for that one.

"Don't knock the cats, they're soft. You love my bad taste in campy prints." Evie tilted her chin up. Pride. "We'll watch the clothing we leave at each other's house."

"Yeah, yeah. She was too peppy about the whole thing." He blew air out his lips. "Started rattling about prom traditions and I had to sit there and listen to a bunch of her high school stories. Total music geek like you."


"Yeah, she played like a million instruments, I guess." Billy paused. "Happiest I've seen here in the time we knew each other was her talking about that."

"She must miss it." Evie shrugged. "Music. I know I would. I'd end up face down in a ditch."

"Still waiting to bring up the summer contest to Mona?"

"Yeah, I can't even think about it right now." Evie let a shuddered breath go. "The timing has to be absolutely perfect to get that yes. It's at the end of summer. I have time."

"Right." Billy craned to see the road ahead while they found their way back to Cherry.

"Shit." Evie was against the window when they arrived back at her house. "My mother has a man over. I locked my bedroom, she probably thinks I'm sleeping. Hell." An unfamiliar car sat in the drive next to Mona's. Shiny red Plymouth. "Hate that stupid make," she muttered. "Iris was right, she always is. I know my mom's hiding her dates, they never get serious."

"Sleep at my place?" Swerved to park around back of his dark house.

"No, we'll definitely get caught. I'll sneak in my bedroom window and hope they're out so I can hit the bathroom. Usually these creeps are gone before sunrise. Ugh, she doesn't bring many home, they go to their place. Must have been a rager they hit."

"I could keep you company." Billy drew his hand up her tight-clad thigh. Evie swept around for a kiss.

"Back seat offer still open?" She mumbled, unbuckling.

"Always is." He nudged and pushed her by the hips into the back before he was joining.

"What if your parents wake up?"

sins of my youth. // Billy Hargrove x oc !plus sizeWhere stories live. Discover now