Announcements and Updates

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This is Jake Black with anannouncement to make:

I finally begin writing in Wattpad and this is my first story in development!!

I dont have a release date for the story yet because i doing the strong job of writing the story first and then publish it and then i will see how i will publish this story but that gonna take a while so listen this is my first time so have a little caring and read but i can't promise a perfect story but i can promise you a story full of adventure, development and so much more.

Few Warnings:

1. Is gonna have some parts with people speaking spanish just a little heads up for those who can understand it

2. A Few characters of the story will be to representing the LGBTQ comunity and if you dont like i respect it but dont get your bad coments in my story

3. Im a little bad with grammar so if i have any spelling mistake make sure to point it out once the chapters will publish in the coments

Hope you'll enjoy my story and the characters when it comes out

Jake Black Out!!!!

Update 2:

The story is in the middle and the process is going really well so in the end it will have 40 chapters (I know, I have nothing else to do with my life) and an epilogue but that depends on how the story goes. There is no release date yet but I swear that if you stay the story will be worth it if you like it of course. I say goodbye and thanks to the support, the story is in fifth place in the #giveittry and I hope it continues to grow.

Update 3:

I'm such an idiot!!!!!

I forgot to publish the prologue of the story, I was so busy with the current chapters that I completely forgot that. I'm gonna publish the prologue later in the day so enjoy it and be patient the story is only beginning..... for you I mean for me its finishing because I'm finishing writing it but you get the point

Okay, Until next time!!!

Update 4:

Im seriustly have the worst luck in the world
What upp Ladies and Gentlemen, Im back to tell you that my novel is getting a little delay, you see, I work in computer to write the story and with the progress I was doing I was thinking of a June or July release for the 1 chapter and so on but my computer betray me and something break that has do with the charger system and also as a plus is out of battery so I can work in the novel right now. Im sorry for those who have read prologue and been patience for the story, believe me I also want to get it out so you can see this story. I will try to fix this issue and get back to it

Again thabks for understanding and Until the next time!!!

Update 5:

I'm back to writing!!!! YEAH!!!!

What up, people around the world, estoy aqui para anunciar that the issue is solved and I'm back to writing, hopefully I will finish the story this month and then I will see como va hacer el proceso de sacar capitulos. Thanks so much for waiting and also for those who have read the prologue, thanks so much for giv8ng it a chance

I'm Jake Black and Until Next Time!!!!

Update 6 or 4, I dont know:


Ladies and Gentlemen, I finish writing this "short" story, Its done, I cant believe it I think Im gonna cry. Thanks so much for waiting this and also for giving this a try so heres how is gonna be: Im gonna publish 1 chapter in every Wednesdays and, if I like, Fridays, take a peak and I swear youre gonna laught. I think Im gonna start this week or the other one but I wont make you wait of course.

Again lets come with the few warnings again:

1. Some parts are writeen in Spanish, just a heads up for who cant understand it

2. Some characters from the book represent the LGBT Comunity, just a head ups for suffering from homophobia

3. Words or Sentences that are written like this are written in Latin, also head up so you can look its meaning in a traductor

4. Its my first story so I may have some gammar errors here or there.

Thanks again for waiting and see you int he launch of the first chapter

Until Wednesday and the Next Time!!!

To many updates for one day, Im gonna leave you to your lifes after this mini update or whatever you wanna call it at this point :

I figure that Wattpad has the schedule system so Im gonna test out the system with the first and second chapter so....

Chapter 1 Release Date: Wednesday, August 9 at 11 pm

Chapter 2 Release Date : Friday, August 11 at 11 pm

Lets see if this works, now Im goona leave you alone, Until Next Time!!!


The story is #1 with more than 100 readers!!!!

Thank you so much for this and thanks for giving this story a try, I know is not much but for me is a lot. Its my first story y para que empiece con ese número its means that I am doing something right. Im sure the story is only beginning and thats why is a little boring itself in the few chapters but let me assure you that awsome chapters are coming

Thanks again and Until Next Time!!!

Thanks again and Until Next Time!!!

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