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❀𝓜𝓪𝓾𝓿𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 ❀

I say baby he says get out of there I hear his car start. I say w.what why? He says enemy territory baby I start to quickly walk out of the building and this man grabs me by my arm. I can't help but panic I say let me go he says no no the boss would love to see you. I push against him but it's no use he takes my phone and he drops it and crushes it with his foot. He drags me upstairs to this office with a gigantic shark tank and he pushes me to the ground. I can't help but get scared that's when this scary looking man walks in. He smiles and he says so your the beautiful wife of the greatest Gangster to ever live. I don't say anything he says oh you can't answer? I say i.im sorry I thought it was rhetorical. He smiles and he holds his hand out to me. I hesitantly take it and he helps me up. He says please have a seat I hesitantly do. He says would you like something to drink? I say u.uh w.water he snaps and they bring me a bottle of water. He says we've gotten off on a bad foot I don't mean to cause you any harm. It's a problem between your husband and myself. Although I'd like him to think otherwise. As long as you are here you will be treated with respect. I'm surprised by what he says it catches me off guard. I say w.why? He says I have respect for the Don that's when I hear my Gray yell where the fuck is my Love! He sounds PISSED I've never heard that man yell ever. I hear a series of gunshots and the man looks scared genuinely. I say why are you scared of him? He says you just don't know what he's capable of. The countless stories that are all true. That's when the door bursts open I don't recognize him. I'm not talking about his physical features. I mean his expression, his stance, his eyes are a very dark gray he looks so scary. I say baby he shoots one of his guards and he aims for the man. Which I jump in front of him and he says Mauve get out of the way. I say Does he have to die? He says Get out the way. I say No you can't kill him Gray he says I'm not asking you Mauve go get in the car. I try to reason with him and he's not going for it. He grabs me quickly and he buries my face in his chest and he shoots him. I can't help but scream and hold onto him tightly. He picks me up and he carries me out. He takes me to the car and he puts me in. He gets in and he starts the car and he drives away. He says Why didn't you want me to kill him? I say h.he was nice to me h.he said he had respect for you. Your just an asshole he says he kidnapped my wife. I say he wasn't mean to me and he didn't harm me. He says it's to late now I say yeah because your shoot now ask questions later. He says I'm not going to argue with you about this Mauve. He kidnapped you end of discussion. I don't say anything I just look out the window. Their's no point in arguing with him because he never sees it from my POV. He thinks he's always right and that I should follow blindly and trust his judgement. Which I do but sometimes he should listen.

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