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☕︎𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧☕︎

A few days later

I wake up in bed alone I get up and I look in the bathroom for her. It's empty I look through out the house for her and I can't find her. I go out the back door and she's sitting on the beach reading a book. I go to her and she looks up at me she smiles at me. It calms me down so much when I see her smile. She notices my worried expression and she touches my hand and she says what's wrong Gray? I say Nothing I was just worried about you. She gently pulls on my arm indicating that she wants me to sit with her. I sit beside her on the blanket and she touches my face. She says Why were you worried? I say I can't help but worry when I can't find you Mauve. She carressess my cheek and she says I'm sorry for worrying you. I say your okay love that doesn't stop her from pouting. I cup her face and I lean down and I kiss her lips. I tell her to stop pouting and she listens. I say how long have you been out here? She says not long it looked nice outside. I say Are you hungry? She looks like she's thinking about it. She says a little I say how about I make you some breakfast? Her face lights up and she says yes! I pick her up and I carry her in the house. I sit her on the kitchen counter and I start taking the pans and utensils I'll need out. I take out eggs, pancake mix, oatmeal, bread and bacon and I start cooking. She watches me while I do so and once it's done I plate her food. I pour her a glass of orange juice and I sit it on the counter beside the plate. I grab a fork and I say May I feed you? She turns bright pink and she nods. I say words she says yes I feed her and I can't help but find enjoyment. I like being around her. I like touching her not in the way you think. I like holding her especially when's she snuggled into me at night. Her reactions to certain things are so cute and pure. I've never met anyone like her.

5 days later

We got back yesterday and her first day back is tomorrow. Honestly I want her to quit and let me take care of her. She's so adamant about trying I know it's overwhelming her. She's always studying that can't be healthy. I'm laying in my bed with her. We're laying with with our back's against the headboard. She's studying like she always is I say Mauve that's when she looks up at me. I say how's school going? She says Are you asking because you really want to know or are you asking because you want me to stop going? I say both she moves the stray hair behind her ear and she says it's okay. I say you don't sound convincing love. She says it's just a week Gray I notice the way she worded it. I say your last week? She says yes I say okay you can move in and spend your last week of school here. You might as well get used to living together. She says you want to share your room with me? I say I do She says I'll move in I say how about we grab a few things from your house. But I want to buy everything new.

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