Duck Pond

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    A certain pond is the home to a family of ducks. There's the mother, the five daughters, and the four sons.

The babies are yellow balls of fluff who swim around in the vast pond that they believe is the world.

Their mother guides them through the pond with her beautiful feathered body. The babies follow her in a mostly straight line, their fluffy bodies gliding in the water. The baby's fluffy bodies make ripples and reflect in the water.

In a house about five miles away a father gets up early to travel to the duck pond. He moves his slightly obese body out of bed to get ready for the day. As he's leaving the house through the cream colored door he grabs a gun for hunting.

He enters the car and sits down in the driver's seat. He turns the car on and the engine rumbles to life.

The car exits the driveway and heads to the small clearing where the duck pond is located. The blue car stops as the man sees a pond and a family of ducks swimming somewhat aimlessly around.

The man walks out of the car and struts towards the pond.

All the ducks stop as soon as the mother does. She quacks as if to say 'stop! Go back!' but the babies can't slow their gliding.

The man aims the gun at a golden duckling and pulls the trigger.

The duckling goes down in a flurry of red and yellow. When the red clears the body of the duck appears, its fur matted with thick blood. The blood covering the duckling is a bit cloudy. The duckling's yellow body floats with the water.

The mother moves and signals for the babies to do the same. One duckling doesn't move, the dead one.

The man chuckles and shoots two more ducklings.

Ducklings drop left and right. Soon, there is the mother, one daughter, and one son. Seven ducklings were killed by the man.

The man points the gun at the son and puts his finger on the trigger. He moves his finger and pulls the trigger.

The duckling falls to the water with a splash.

One duckling is left.

The pond is stained red, the same red as the duckling's blood.

The man chuckles as he points the gun towards the mother. He doesn't see the last duckling who swam away and placed itself behind a tree root. He pulls the trigger.

The mother gets hit right in the stomach and gracefully splashes into the red water.

The man leaves, thinking there are no more ducks, into the comfort of his car. Though not before collecting his prize of dinner.

The duckling comes out of hiding and stares at her fellow ducklings. They're all dead. Not even her mother survived.

The duckling sits there, wondering what will happen.

A family of ducks plops into the pond and starts swimming around.

Swimming over to the family, the duckling that they won't mind one extra duckling.

They all happily swim around, not knowing the dark history of their new friend. They're just happy.

They're all happy. All because of their new friend.

Swimming in a line, they all forget their differences and just swim their worries away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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