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@ oliviamartin: IT'S CHRISTMAS SEASOOOOON!!!

Happy holidays from the Martin-Leclerc household🥰🥳

PS: dont judge our tree, its gorgerous to me ❤️

Tagged @ charlesleclerc
@ user1: what is your favourite part about chistmas?

️ @ oliviamartin: having everyone I love close and the food obv🫣

@ user2: they live together?😮
➡️ @ user3: have you been living under a rock?

@ charlesleclerc: wouldnt it be Leclerc-Martin?
➡️ @ oliviamartin: no❤️


Charles POV

We spend christmas dinner with Liv's family. All her siblings were there as well as extended family. It was a little hard keeping up with so many new names but half of them were named Carlos so I at least got those right. After the extended family have gone to their houses everyone exchanged presents. They were not really big or expensive presents since Liv told me the important presents were given on January but I thought it important to give everyone something in exchange for their hospitality.

We got to Monaco for the new year, most of the drivers will be there so we got together to celebrate, Max invited us to his house. Lando was in charge of music, each of us brought some food except from Daniel, we wanted to have something edible after all.

We gathered in front of the television waiting for midnight to arrive. I hugged Olivia from behind, resting my chin on her neck.

- I'm going to marry you one day- I wisper to her ear.

-What are you wating for then?- she said while intertwining her hands with mine.

- It will come you just wait- I kiss her cheeck- I will wait for the perfect moment- We had not realized that midnight had already arrived until we heard the celebrations of the others around us.- Happy new year my love- I tell her while I turn her so I can kiss her properly.

- Happy new year my love- I tell her while I turn her so I can kiss her properly

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@ oliviamartin: happy 2023. I hope your year has started as well as mine😊

Tagged @ charlesleclerc

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@ charlesleclerc: I have a feeling this will be our year

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@ charlesleclerc: I have a feeling this will be our year. Happy 2023 to everyone.

Tagged @ oliviamartin

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We got back to Madrid to spend the end of the holidays with Olivia's family. I have given Carlos and Reyes a dinner for the two of them from my favourite restaurant in Monaco. Olivia's sisters and Isa got some new bracelets, the same I was going to gift to Liv too so they could match. I gave Carlos a shirt with a photo of our first podium together. It started as a joke because I had some new golf cubs for him too but when he opened it he reacted as if I had given him the best gift in the world.

I did not expect that they would give me anything in return. Liv told me we could exchange our gifts later and I agreed. But when we got to where the gifts were, I was surprised to see that there was one for me.

-This one is from me- Carlos Sr. told me while giving me a box. It was quite heavy. I saw how everyone stopped their lively chat and gift opening to see how I opened mine, that made me quite nervous.

I teared off the paper to reveal a cardboard box. I opened it and saw what was inside, taking it out of the box and inspecting it delicately. It was a racing helmet but it was not a F1 helmet, thats for sure.

- It is one of the helmets with which I won my first dakar- Carlos told me while squeezing my shoulder. I was unable to react.- First of all, I want to make it clear that I am not trying to replace your father, that would be impossible. But I want you to know that if you ever need something you have us here, we are your family too- I was chocked with emotion and as I could only nod at what he was saying knowing exactly what he was trying to say

- All my kids have one of this from me, now you have one too, if you want it, of course.

-I couldn't accept this, Its too much sir- I chocked out- I would be honored but...

-Then its yours, come here- he gestured me to give him a hug and thats what I did.- And please dont call me sir again, it makes me feel old- When I separated from him, I could not avoid dropping a couple of tears. When I looked at Liv I saw how she also secretly wiped away a tear, giving me a warm smile. She is the woman of my life and I am going to do everything I can to spend the rest of my life with her.

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