Start from the beginning

"RUDE!" the male yelled out. You could care less about his whining.

"Hmm? What's his problem?" Rei asked having a piece of jerky between his lips.

"No clue. I think he's got a stick up his ass..."

"Anyways I only really want this water."

"Oh! Okay!"

Rei smiled and and nodded as he paid for his mountain of foods and then your water. Going back to the table the both of you talked until the bell for class had rung.

'Sigh... back to class.'

[???'s Affection: +0]

[???'s Love meter: 0%]

\ (Go to 3: Dorms- Rei)\


>B-[Oh, someone's selling lemonade over there]

"Fresh lemonade here!"

You heard a sweet voice and turned around walking towards a small table set up in the food court area.

There you saw a blonde girl with green eyes, she was very beautiful! She had a hair clip holding back her locks that reached her shoulders.

She smiled when greeting you and cupped her palms. "Hello there! Would you like a cup of lemonade?" She asked, sugar lacing her voice.

"Yes please!" You said to the girl who was kind to you. She nodded and hummed now fetching a cup with ice and filling it up with the pitcher of lemonade.

"Here you are~! Made with love of course!"

"Thank you so much!"

You took a sip.

Hmm! Refreshing!

"I've never seen you around before! Are you new?" She asked with a smile. Blush on her cheeks seeing you enjoyed her lemonade so much.

"Well isn't everyone new?"

"Nope! Not really! The years are pretty tightly knit we rarely get new students!"

"The two classes are pretty close! I'm Bee by the way! I'm in class 3-B!"

"Oh! Yeah you and the pink haired boy are new in class 3-A right?"

"Yeah! I'm Reader! And the pink haired guy is Rei!"

"Well welcome to Canternmore!"

"I hope to see more of you! Even though we're in different classes..."

"Hey! If you ever think about joining a club, the cooking club will always accept you!"

"I'm the leader heh!" She laughed with a smile. Her aura was sweet and kind, she visibly lit up the room with her words and smile. "Hmm! Okay I'll think about it!" You laughed mimicking her smile.

You finished your cup of lemonade and waved the girl off as she had other customers to serve. You came up to the Rei seeing his tray heavy and to the sky.

"Hey where's your food?!"

"I told you I'm not hungry!"

"Neee you're to skinny for your own good!"

"One day I'll be watching over you and giving you all the meals you need." Rei chuckled as he checked out.

"Yeah, yeah... whatever mom!"

Rei smiled and and nodded as he paid for his mountain of foods and then your water. Going back to the table the both of you talked until the bell for class had rung.

[Bee Baker's Affection: +1]

[Bee Baker's Love meter: 1%]

Hmm... maybe after class I'll visit the cooking club?


A- [Yeah sure! Why not see what it's about?] \ (Go to 3: Cooking club- Bee )\

B- [Nah I'm tired, I'll just go to bed]
\ (Go to 3: Dorms- Rei)\


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