Part 1

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Taehyung Pov
God I'm so lonely I hate it. To take over the kingdom and become king I have to marry someone and my parents picked people for me but I know they don't want me they want my riches but not me. Everyone I tried to be friends with just wanted my money and nothing else. I have 5 friends though which is nice they've been my friends since we were little. They are also princes except Jimin. He's a commoner and I met him at a ball and we almost instantly became best friends.
Mom:Honey breakfast
I got changed and freshened up.

 Mom:Honey breakfastI got changed and freshened up

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I sighed and walked out of my room. I really hope I find someone who actually will love me and not just want me to buy them shit. I went in the dining room and sat and waited for the maids to get us food. My parents aren't rude to the maids like our allies in other kingdoms maids have to put up with a lot of bullshit and things last minute they get paid a good amount though. The maids came into the dining room with our food and we all got our plates and ate.
Mom: Later you'll go meet some suitors
Do I have to
Mom:Yes but I'm sure you'll find someone
Maybe. After a while I went to my room and some maids came and picked my favorite suit. I wear suits a lot I like them and Jimin always makes fun of me and says it always looks like I'm going to a ball or something.

 I wear suits a lot I like them and Jimin always makes fun of me and says it always looks like I'm going to a ball or something

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I look like a 18 hundreds prince but I like it.
Maid;You look nice
Thanks. I went downstairs to the tea table and one at a time different people came. I'm bi but my parents know I prefer boys more so most of the people were boys and some were girls. Of course all of them pretended to want to know me but after a minute they talked about my money and what they want with it. It's so annoying that that's all they want. After a while I got bored and annoyed and made everyone leave.
Mom:Did you like any of them
No they all just pretend to want to know me but start talking about my money and riches and how much they wish they had it. All they want is that. I wish I could just disguise myself as a commoner and find someone.
Dad;I mean you can
Dad:You can probably do that
Oh I wasn't expecting you to say that won't they know it's me
Mom:No one will notice it's you out of your fancy clothes that's all people see you in
Yeah that's true I guess that could work I would want more than one day as a commoner
Mom:We can give you a month to find someone
That can work and Jimin is already a commoner so won't have to pretend not to know him
Dad:Yeah that works tonight we'll make an announcement saying your going to Japan or something and then you can disguise yourself
Oh sweet that works
Mom:Did you find anyone interesting in the past balls
Well one I don't know his name but remember the one I told you about who I spent time in the garden with
Dad:Oh yeah I remember your still interested in him
Yeah it was one night but he was really sweet and I wanted to know him more but at midnight he ran away and I couldn't find him
Mom:I see maybe he had to leave
Yeah probably
Dad: Maybe when you go into the City you might be able to find him
Maybe I know what he looks like and I have his necklace that broke when he ran away.
Mom:I think you'll be able to find him
Hopefully well it's late I should go rest
Mom:Sleep well tomorrow morning you will go into the city
Ok mom. I went upstairs and went to sleep dreaming about the City and the boy at the ball I met.

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