chapter seven

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" the bus "

" what abt the bus? "
i hoped acting stupid would make the conversation stop.

" dont act dumb "

" pretty sure i'm not but
mk " praying to the gods this stops.


i left him on delivered.

i went downstairs with the kids who were watching Encanto in the living room.

" quieren algo de comer? "
i asked them because it was 9:00 and i didn't know if they ate yet.

" chicken nuggets! "
they all shouted

" do we even have chicken
nuggets? "
i went to go check in the freezer, and there was the bag of nuggets.

" okay come take out the air fryer "
i told Luicciana.
" give me your plates when you're done so i can wash them "

i was eating the food Karla made because i would feel bad if i didn't.

" thank you y/n/n "
Guillermo said and scooted his plate towards me.

" wait Guillermo come back really quick! "
i need to ask this kid what products his mom uses on his hair because...

" what "

" do you know what your mom puts in your hair? "

" she puts this spray and its supposed to help my hair stay nice and healthy "
he smiled

" oh! you know the name of the spray or something? "
i'm really asking a 7 year old for his hair products..

" i don't know it's a blue bottle- can i go watch the movie now? "

" fine "
i need to know what he puts in his curls because why are his better than mine?
i was washing dishes when i got a text from Diego.

" hello?  "

i let out a sigh and continued washing dishes.
i went up to my room and texted Chucky because honestly he's close with everyone on the team.

" holaaaa chucky😁 "

" Hola Y/n😊 "

" qué haces?? "

" Nada, y tu?🤔 "

" estoy cuidando a mis sobrinos, pero te quería preguntar algo "

" Ahhh ok ok, pero que me quieres preguntar? "

scared to ask but i guess.

" sabes si Diego le gusta a alguien? "

" Hmmm no se, pero porque preguntas😅? "

" idk "

" Oh, está bien, mira, estoy en el gimnasio, así que hablaré contigo más tarde👋 "

" Ok bye Chuckyy:( "

a/n: i wrote this in a rush. A lot of u guys pointed out my spanish isn't good n has a lot of mistakes so i'll try n fix that for u guys. 😭

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