"Boys!" The four froze as their father suddenly appeared in front of them. Splinter had his arms crossed over his chest as his tail swished from side to side. "I told you not to go far!"

"But dad!" Leo whined.

"No buts! Only yours heading back home!" Splinter said as he started guiding the four back the way they had arrived. Echos of protests followed as the five walked back towards the buss stop the tots had taken to cross the bridge to get where they were.

As they walked Mikey suddenly had an idea, he wasn't about to let his night end. He noticed they were only a few homes left before the treeline came into view, so the little one decided he would get a bit more candy before heading home. With a goal in mind Mikey ran to the house to his left and knocked on the door.

"Orange!" Splinter called after him but it was too late. The mahogany door swung open and a man dressed as an astronaut stood there holding a big bowl of candy.

"Twick o tweat!" Mikey shouted as he bounced up and down. The man chuckled as he grabbed a handful of different sweets and dumped them into his orange bag.

"There you go little man!" He also noticed his brothers by the street and waved them over. "They can get some too! I have enough sir!" He shouted to Splinter. The boys didn't even acknowledge their father as they ran to get their share of candy.

"We got more candy! Dad look! Look!" Leo cheered as he ran back to their father and pulled out a ring pop. Splinter let out a sigh in defeat. He knew he shouldn't ruin his boys fun but he had been worried when he didn't see them with their human friend. For two years now the boys had always gone with April and her cousin to ask for candy but this year it seemed they wanted to venture elsewhere.

"Okay just these few houses and then we go home." Splinter said earning him cheers of delight from his sons.

As promised the boys went from door to door asking for treats. There were only ten houses left so Splinter wasn't all too concerned with time since it was still fairly close to 9pm. The last bus into the city was around eleven so they had time to run around and get candy.

The second to last house for the night was the real kicker. Not only did the family give the boys the last of their candy but they had also given out glowstick wands with different shapes at the ends of them. Raph had gotten a wand with a red heart o the end, Mikey a yellow star, Donnie a purple crescent moon, and Leo a crown. The sons ran over to their father with huge smiles on their faces as the waved their wands in the air.

Once the last house was visited to the family of five made their way towards the bus stop. There were a few people waiting with their kids as the bus to the city came rounding the corner. Splinter had placed Leo on his back while Raph carried Mikey on his, Donnie had settled to hold Splinter hand as they loaded onto the bus.

They sat near the back, Leo and Donnie compared their candy while Splinter sat between them helping Leo count his. Raph had Mikey laying on his lap fighting the urge to fall asleep as Raph gently patted his head. Mikey tried protesting against the lulling depths of sleep but his big brother wasn't allowing him.

"Waphie... nu..." Mikey whined as he rubbed his eyes but pulled the white sheet he was wearing closer to his chin.

"Sleep baby brother." Raph said as he pulled mikey closer to him.

"Momma are we putting up the lights tomorrow?" A little girl sitting a few seat down from them asked her mother. Raph turned his attention to the little girl dressed in a pink grown with a blonde wig. The small crown on her head was lopsided and was surely to fall off if the child moved her head a bit too fast to one side.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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